Cross-Sectoral Dialogue Participation



Engagement in Cross-Sectoral Dialogue on SDGs

Shoolini University actively initiates and participates in cross-sectoral dialogue focused on advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During 2023, Shoolini University organized 13 significant events addressing multiple SDGs through various formats including international workshops, national seminars, conclaves, and professional development programs. These events have created platforms for meaningful dialogue and action across different sectors of society.

1.      National Seminar on ‘The Science of Happiness’ (10 May 2023)

Collaborating with the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, this seminar included expert speakers discussing mental health and emotional well-being, along with practical strategies for fostering happiness in personal and community life.

2.    National Himalayan Science & Technology Conference (HiSTCon 2023) (20-21 May 2023)

In partnership with the Himalayan Forum for Science and Technology Communication, this conference brought together researchers, policymakers, and environmentalists to discuss sustainable practices and technologies for preserving the Himalayan ecosystem.

A group of people posing for a photoDescription automatically generated

National Himalayan Science & Technology Conference (HiSTCon 2023) at Shoolini University.

3.    Teaching in Higher Education - A New Path (28 July 2023)

To promote academic excellence and adapt to the evolving higher education landscape, the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and Shoolini University, jointly organised the 'Teaching in Higher Education — A New Path' Faculty Development Certificate Program. The program offered a unique blend of online and offline sessions to ensure accessibility and inclusivity. It covered diverse topics, including enhancing classroom quality, using artificial intelligence tools, designing curriculum and pedagogy, and leveraging effective presentation strategies.

4.    Direct Selling Conclave (30 August 2023)

Hosted with the Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA), the conclave featured discussions on the role of direct selling in job creation and economic empowerment, with industry leaders sharing insights and best practices.

5.    Seminar on "Future Careers in Technology" (08 September 2023)

Organized in partnership with the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), this seminar featured experts addressing emerging career opportunities and the skills required in a rapidly changing job market.

6.    International Workshop on ‘Food for a Healthy Planet’ (19 September 2023)

In a groundbreaking partnership with the University of Melbourne (UoM), this workshop addressed pressing issues related to sustainable agriculture, focusing on innovative methods to improve food production while simultaneously reducing food wastage.


           Food for a Healthy Planet International Workshop


Shoolini and University of Melbourne held a workshop on sustainable agriculture, titled 'Food for a Healthy Planet'.

7.     Principals Conclave in Jammu (23 September 2023)

In collaboration with Jammu Sahodaya School, educational leaders shared strategies for improving educational outcomes and fostering innovation in teaching practices.

8.    International Workshop on Flow Cytometry (26-28 September 2023)

Organized with the Trust for Education and Training in Cytometry (TETC) and Flowcytometry Solutions Pvt Ltd, the workshop provided training on advanced flow cytometry techniques and their applications in health research.

9.    CIMA 2023 International Congress of Agricultural Museums (13-15 October 2023)

The conference provided invaluable insights into various aspects of agriculture, water conservation, livestock management, and the importance of preserving traditional practices in the face of environmental challenges, in collaboration with the International Association of Agricultural Museums.

10. Principals' Conclave in Ludhiana (20 October 2023)

This event, in collaboration with Ludhiana Sahodaya School, allowed school leaders to share best practices for enhancing teaching and learning experiences in their institutions.

11.   Shoolini National Human Resources Development Network (NHRDN) Chapter Launch (18 November 2023)

Collaborating with the National HRD Network (NHRDN), this chapter aims to create a platform for HR professionals to network and promote best practices in human resource development.

12.  Three-day National Law Fest 2.0 (23-25 November 2023)

Organized with the Centre for Clinical Legal Education (CCLE), the Law Fest aimed to blend theory with practical legal education. It featured competitions such as Moot Court, Crime Scene Investigation, Case Commentary, Public Interest Litigation Drafting, Article Writing, and Legislative Review.

13.  TEDx Shoolini University 2023 with 'The Domino Effect' (30 November 2023)

The event brought together a diverse group of speakers who shared their profound experiences from life and work, inspiring attendees with insights on personal growth, societal impact, and innovative thinking.


Events Organized by Shoolini University on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Sr. No.

Name of the Event

Date of Event


Collaborating Organization



National seminar on ‘The Science of Happiness’

10 May 2023

Good Health and Well-being

Yogoda Satsanga Society of India



National Himalayan Science & Technology Conference (HiSTCon 2023)

20-21 May 2023

Climate Action, Life on Land

Himalayan Forum for Science and Technology Communication



Teaching in Higher Education - A New Path

28 July 2023

Quality Education

Association of Indian Universities (AIU)



Direct Selling Conclave

30 August 2023

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Indian Direct Selling
Association (IDSA)



Seminar on "Future Careers in Technology"

08 September 2023

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)



International Workshop on ‘Food for a Healthy Planet"

19 September 2023

Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption and Production

University of Melbourne



Principals Conclave in Jammu on nurturing a culture of quality education, research, and innovation in the educational sector.

23 September 2023

Quality Education

Jammu Sahodaya School



International wokshop on Flow Cytometry

26-28 September 2023

Industry, Innovation,

and Infrastructure

Trust for Education and Training in Cytometry (TETC) and Flow cytometry Solutions Pvt Ltd.



CIMA 2023 International congress of agricultural museums

13-15 October 2023

Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption and Production

International Association of Agricultural Museums (AIMA)



Principals' Conclave in Ludhiana on nurturing a culture of quality education, research, and innovation in the educational sector.

20 October 2023

Quality Education

Ludhiana Sahodaya School



Shoolini National Human Resources Development Network (NHRDN) Chapter Launch

18 November 2023

Decent Work and Economic Growth

National HRD Network (NHRDN)



Three-day National Law Fest 2.0

23-25 November 2023

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Centre for Clinical Legal Education (CCLE)



TEDx Shoolini University 2023 with 'The Domino Effect'

30 November 2023

Quality Education




Shoolini University is very active in initiating and participating in cross-sectoral dialogue about SDGs. The university regularly participates in the activities of HUC: an International Dialogue on Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Mountain Development Summit VII with focus on wellbeing of Next Generation of Farmers in the Himalayan Region was also organized. The university has organised various online activities related to health and wellbeing, Food and nutrition, energy and innovation. 

Sr. No. Name of the Event Date of Event Evidence/Report
1 Expert talk (Webinar) - Ultra precision machining process and its application by Mr. Vinod Mishra (Senior Technical Officer CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh) 21-05-2020 Click Here
2 Seminar - Energy Roadmap: Rethinking of U.S. Energy Initiatives by Prof. Sanjay Kaul (Professor at the Department of Industrial Technology, Fitchburg State University, USA) 20-02-2020 Click Here
3 HIM-INNOVATE 29-05-2020 Click Here
4 Pitch Session at IIT Mandi Catalyst 15-01-2020 Click Here
5 World Food Day Celebration – Food Conclave 2020 13-10-2020 Click Here
6 World Food Day Celebration – Food Conclave 2020 13-10-2020 Click Here
7 Biotech Poster Presentation Competition 29-09-2020 Click Here
8 CODATHON 12-01-2020 Click Here
9 HIM-INNOVATE 29-05-2020 Click Here

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