Waste and Hazardous Material

Hazardous wastes are classified on the basis of their biological, chemical, and physical properties. These properties generate materials that are either toxic, reactive, ignitable, corrosive, infectious, or radioactive. There are several options available for hazardous-waste management. The most convincing is to reduce the quantity of waste at its source and to recycle the materials for alternative productive use. While reduction and recycling are desirable options, they are not regarded as the final remedy to the problem of hazardous-waste disposal. There will always be a need for proper storage and disposal of hazardous waste. Shoolini university’s policy for hazardous waste management entails that anyhazardous waste mainly generated fron the research laboratories, is to be handled without any adverse effect to human health or environment before or during collection and disposal. This is maintained by appropriately segregating the waste in colour coded bags at the point of generation in accordance with the schedule 1 & 2 of the hazardous Waste Management Rule (Management & handling), in compliance with the standards prescribed. The hazardous waste generated by the university is segregated, levelled, tagged, and tied into appropriate colour coded bags. The waste is then moved to the designated pick-up point in the university (University Health Centre) from where the officials of Enviro Engineers receive, collect and transport the biomedical waste on weekly basis for final disposal at Bio Medical Waste treatment plant at Sandli site. Further, the university maintains a record of such waste handed over and a single fixed collection point is maintained in the university for the handing over of the waste to appropriate authorized collecting agency. The university has a functional agreement with Enviro-Engineers Pvt. Limited which is an agency approved by the HP state pollution control board for collection and handling of hazardous biomedical waste. The latest agreement between the university and Enviro Engineers Ltd. was signed on 1st August 2020 which is valid up to 31st March 2025. Also, training sessions are conducted among students, researchers and staff on the identification, collection and disposal of hazardous waste to create awareness. The university has prioritized a systematic and proper channelling of the hazardous waste and does not compromise with its norms to be a responsible university by keeping the SDGs in mind.


ENVIRO Agreement View
Initiatives for Treating  hazardous waste View
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