Commitment to meaningful education (Activity)

Commitment to meaningful education

Shoolini University offers various courses in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Energy, Food Technology, Agriculture, Sciences, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Law, Yoga, and Management that address sustainability and the SDGs. We are amongst the first few universities in India to implement a choice-based credit system and have made open electives mandatory for all the UG students across the university. The courses offered as part of open electives were designed keeping in mind The SDGs like like Decent work and Economic Growth, Good Health and Wellbeing, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Reduced Inequalities, Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption and Production, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Climate Action, Affordable and Clean Energy, Reduced Inequalities etc.


Time Table of Open Elective  View



Sr. No. Elective Code Open Elective Name Electives addressing to SDG
1 OE013 Values and Ethics Decent work and Economic Growth 
2 OE011 Digital Marketing Decent work and Economic Growth 
3 OE054 Network Marketing Decent work and Economic Growth 
4 OE014 Introduction to Psychology Good Health and Wellbeing
5 OE044 Law in Daily Life Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
6 OE010 Sex Education Good Health and Wellbeing
7 OE019 Food & Nutrition Good Health and Wellbeing
8 OE020 Drug Abuse Good Health and Wellbeing
9 OE070 Winning Hackathons Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10 OE075 Cyber Crime & Defense Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
11 OE049 Robotics & Automation Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
12 OE005 Himalayan Biodiversity Climate Action
13 OE009 Biology of Human Body Good Health and Wellbeing
14 OE017 Spirituality and Meditation Good Health and Wellbeing
15 OE052 Yoga in Daily Life Good Health and Wellbeing
16 OE068 Yoga for Wellness Good Health and Wellbeing
17 OE003 History and Introduction to Automobiles Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
18 OE038 Grooming & Hospitality Skills Decent work and Economic Growth 
19 OE059 Developing Patents Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
20 OE071 Practical Farming Responsible Consumption and Production
21 OE078 Direct Selling Entrepreneurship Decent Work and Economic Growth 
22 OE080 Microorganisms for Human Welfare Good Health and Wellbeing
23 OE079 Introduction to Indian Constitution Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
24 OE027 Total Quality Management Decent work and Economic Growth 
25 OE002 Non-conventional Energy Sources Affordable and Clean Energy
26 OE006 Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
27 OE063 Social Challenges & Their Resolutions Reduced Inequalities
28 OE081 Ecology and Environment Climate Action




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