Waste disposal recycling

Status of policy on waste disposal - to measure the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled materials- 2021

Solid waste management (SWM) in Shoolini University is taken care of by two means: In House utilization and Out Sourcing of waste.

In House Solid Waste Management:

Solid waste generated in different places of the University is collected in different colour bins (red, blue and green), numbering more than 700.  After sorting in different containers, in-house treatments are followed as: Nontoxic biodegradable waste is used for vermicompost manufacture. The campus has two vermicompost processing pits. The vermin compost generated is used in nursery, flowering pots and for research purposes. Nontoxic biodegradable waste is also used as manure generated in manuring pits present in the campus area. Sewerage treatment plant is installed in the University campus and treated water (approx. 75,000 lr per day) is used for gardening purposes. All the Bio -degradable waste of the University is collected in a central place and used for compost through vermi compost unit. Compost pits have been constructed for creating vermi compost. A compost pit has a size of 2 m X0.75 m. Two pits are available in the campus and four pits in our Agriculture Farms. One pit takes 6-8 days to fill with Bio wastage and it takes 35 to 45 days to convert it into compost. Thus 50 bags capacity of 25 kg get ready in 45 days from one pit, i.e. approx. 1200 kg of Vermi Compost. After 8 days second pit starts to fill up by same process.

Out Sourcing of Solid Waste Management

For treatment of bio medical waste (Non-biodegradable) a contractual agreement has been signed between Enviro Engineers, Shimla and Shoolini University. Enviro Engineers is duly authorized by H.P. State Pollution Control Board, Shimla for disposal of Bio-waste (Management & Handling). They receive, collect and transport the BMW, in color coded bags, on Tuesday and Thursday of every week. They charge Rs.5500/- per month from the Shoolini University for the Collection, Handling, Transportation & Disposal of the BMW, upto 100 Kg waste per month. For other non-biodegradable waste the University has tied up with local Municipal Committee. The waste at regular intervals is carried to dumping yard situated at Salogra (18 Km from campus) managed by Solan Municipal Committee.  This waste is transported regularly by the University to the site by a contractor hired for the purpose. The University has adopted minimum and essential use of paper policy which helps in conservation of resources and a small amount of paper is wasted. 

Further, the garbage waste generated in the University from kitchen, offices, leaf litter etc is treated in the following ways: the campus has multiple vermicompost processing pits in which nontoxic biodegradable waste is used for the manufacturing of vermicompost. The vermicompost is used in organic farming.  Also biodegradable waste is used as manure for waste land for providing green cover. Other non-biodegradable generated waste is transported at regular intervals to dumping yard for further treatment. University has its own sewage treatment plant for the treatment of sewage waste. The treated water is used for gardening purposes. The University has adopted almost paper less mode of governance due to which very little paper is wasted. The paper generated in the form of answer sheets, practical note books etc. is auctioned to junk dealers for the recycling process. The littered leaves are transported to worm compost pits for the manufacturing of compost.

Further, the university organises various awareness programmes on waste management in the campus as well as in the nearby villages on ill effects of burning garbage. 



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