Degradable and Non-Degradable Waste Management

Effective management of waste – either by disposal or recycling, is a critical process for any organisation as it impacts the health and environment of not only the people working and residing in the campus but also of those living in the vicinity. Providing a healthy and safe environment is therefore of utmost priority at Shoolini University

Solid Waste Management:

Solid waste management in the University is accomplished either by inhouse utilisation/ consumption or by outsourcing its collection and disposal to an authorised agency. Over 700 bins have been provided across the campus for collection of the solid waste generated at different sources in the University. These bins are colour coded specific to a category of solid waste, viz:

Green – Biodegradable, organic waste like cooked food, vegetables, fruit, leaves, etc.

Blue – Recyclable waste like paper, cartons, cans, metallic items, etc.

Red – Non-degradable waste like glass, blades, expired medicine, bandages, etc.

All the non-toxic, biodegradable waste is collected and used for making compost through the Vermicompost process for which pits of size 2 m X 0.75 m have been made in the campus and in our Agriculture Farms. It takes 6-8 days for a pit to fill and 45 days to convert the biodegradable waste into Vermicompost. The Vermicompost is used in nurseries, agriculture farms, and for research purposes.

Non – Biodegradable Solid Waste:

Collection and disposal of all non-biodegradable solid waste has been outsourced to authorised agencies. The University has tied up with the local Municipal Committee for the disposal of non-degradable solid waste at the dumping yard situated at Salogra (18 Km from campus) managed by the District Municipal Committee.

Liquid Waste Management:

Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP): There are 2 Sewage Treatment Plants of 350 & 50 Kilo Litre capacity, respectively. Wastewater received from domestic, commercial, and residential sources is treated by removing toxic materials that may otherwise cause damage to the environment. All sewage and liquid waste are treated in the STPs and used for irrigation of landscaping and gardening projects within the University.

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP): The Effluent Treatment Plant is of 20,000 Litre capacity and is designed to treat the effluent coming from chemical sources and labs that may otherwise be toxic / hazardous for the environment. The treated water is then used for landscaping and gardening purposes as in the case of the STP outlets.

Biomedical Waste Management: For treatment and disposal of non-degradable bio medical waste a contractual agreement has been signed with Enviro Engineers, Shimla, authorised by H.P. State Pollution Control Board for disposal of Biowaste up to 100 kg per month. They receive, collect, and transport the incinerable biomedical waste in colour-coded bags, on Tuesdays and Thursdays of every week to their Plant site at Sandli/Pirdi for treatment and final disposal.

Waste Recycling System: The University has adopted a minimum and essential use of paper policy which helps in the conservation of resources and only a small amount of paper is wasted.


Liquid Waste Management


Solid Waste Management

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