

Places to Visit in and Around Solan

Known as the Mushroom City of India, Solan in Himachal Pradesh is synonymous with scenic beauty and a serene landscape. Add to that, there...

Two Shoolini Univ scientists among top five in India

Solan, July 7 In the latest rankings of SciVal research, the top international agency, two Shoolini univ scientists, Dr Pardeep Singh and Dr Pankaj Raizada...

Global speakers interact at International webinar

Continuing to create awareness and engagement about pressing issues of global significance, Shoolini University organised an International Webinar on Molecular Simulations under the Shoolini Science Web Series.

Make 15-minute meditation a part of your lifestyle: Prof Khosla

Emphasising the significance of meditation, Shoolini University Chancellor Prof Prem Kumar Khosla said everyone must make 15 minutes of meditation a part of their...

A warm virtual send-off to final year students

Belletristic, the Literature Society of the Department of English, Shoolini University, today organised a virtual farewell for the outgoing students of the department.

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