
Shoolini Hosts Milestone CEDSA Direct Selling Conclave

Solan, August 30

Marking another milestone in the world of Direct Selling, Shoolini University played host to the 2nd annual Centre of Excellence for Direct Selling in Academics (CEDSA) Direct Selling Conclave. Conceived and orchestrated by CEDSA, the gathering provided an unparalleled platform for luminaries, established professionals, and aspiring talents to engage in comprehensive dialogues about the Direct Selling arena.

CEDSA, an organisation committed to spurring educational initiatives and research in Direct Selling, curated the conclave to serve as a melting pot for stakeholders from diverse facets of the industry. The event drew an eclectic audience, with notable attendees including Prof PK Khosla, Chancellor of Shoolini University; Ashish Khosla, President of Marketing and Innovation at the institution; Kamal Kant Vashisth, the Director of CEDSA at Shoolini University; TC Chhabra, Founder and Managing Director of Fashion Suitings Pvt. Ltd. (RCM); Rajeev Gupta, Vice President of FDSA and Director of ARL Retails Pvt. Ltd., and Vivek Katoch, Corporate Affairs and Public Policy Director (Asia) at Oriflame Cosmetics and Vice Chairman of IDSA.

The agenda was designed to navigate various topics vital to the Direct Selling industry. Ashish Khosla set the tone for the conclave by welcoming the audience and sharing vignettes from his journey in sales, providing a nuanced backdrop to the ensuing discussions. Kamal Kant Vashishth followed with a comprehensive introduction to the day’s objectives, intricately weaving in the core philosophy of CEDSA and giving attendees a glimpse into what lay ahead.

Among the speakers, TC Chhabra stood out for his unequivocal praise for Chancellor PK Khosla’s visionary role in integrating Direct Selling studies into academia. This sentiment was echoed by Rajeev Gupta, who explored the feasibility of involving guest faculty from FDSA in Direct Selling courses offered by Shoolini University. Vivek Katoch highlighted ethical sales practices, advocating for a standardised operational code of ethics across the sector.

Surekha Bhargava, a venerable name in Direct Selling, captivated the audience with her wisdom on the imperatives of patience in carving out a successful career in the industry. She delved into diverse success factors ranging from the power of positive visualisation and effective time management to the significance of lifelong learning and unwavering dedication.

Shivam Goswami, an emerging leader in the field, presented his narrative, packed with invaluable advice for the audience. He stressed the importance of having clearly defined goals, adhering to a disciplined routine similar to a regular job, and continuously nurturing self-discipline. Chetan Bhardwaj, another speaker, regaled the audience with his extensive insights, adding depth to the overall understanding of the Direct Selling industry’s landscape.

A highlight of the event was the presentation of the Rudraksha Award, conferred by Chancellor PK Khosla upon TC Chhabra, Vivek Katoch, Rajeev Gupta, and Surekha Bhargava, as a tribute to their outstanding contributions to the Direct Selling realm.

Kapil Sharma, the Founder of Act to Transform, eloquently delivered the vote of thanks to draw the day’s proceedings to a close. The conclave not only provided a monumental forum for exchanging ideas but also charted the future course for ethical and sustainable Direct Selling in both the academic and professional realms.

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