‘Shoolini days were like a rollercoaster ride to me’, recalled Rahul Rana, an alumnus of Shoolini University, who is currently working with the well-known Multi-National Company, KPMG India. He considers the days spent in Shoolini to be the most memorable and great times. Rahul said, ‘If I am asked to sum up my two years at Shoolini it would be like, Induction – SPRINTs – Exams – Education tours cultural events – fun and learning.’
‘In terms of my career perspective, I would say the SPRINT programme was the most amazing thing I attended in Shoolini, as it surely prepared me for my professional life.’
He was raised by his mother, who is working with Anand Group Parwanoo, after his father’s sudden demise. He is associated with management consulting under the customers and operations department of KPMG. His job profile is helping the clients get entry into new markets and segments. He also works on introducing new technologies in the market.

Rahul’s interests include sports, dance, interacting with people from different nations and communities. He also loves travelling. When asked about his biggest achievement to date he shared: ‘I still want to achieve much more in my professional life.’
He said he was made an offer from the CEO of one of the well-known companies to work with him directly while he was doing his MBA. It was then I realised I have the great calibre and the proposal that was kept in front of me, gave me extraordinary and cheerful feeling as it was more than I could ever think of.
Before he joined the university he admired the famous actor Shah Rukh Khan but the day he heard Pro-VC Atul Khosla’s lecture for the first time and had an interaction with him his ideal changed.
He sees himself as a perfect professional and wants to adapt his way of doing everything in life. He always loved the environment of the university that gave him positive vibes. His message for the current students is, ‘Always aim and dream high, the faculty you are provided with is the best, seek their support and you can achieve anything.’