
Books and Beyond: A New Chapter at Penguin Random House 

Life is full of unexpected twists, and working at a publishing house like Penguin Random House has been one of them. As an avid reader, I could never have pictured myself here, yet here I am. My experience here has been an overwhelming process of learning. From applying to getting accepted, I learned to be patient and trust in God’s timing.  

I will never forget my first day at work. My nerves got the better of me, and I survived on a bar of chocolate for the entire day — just because I was too anxious to eat in the office. The sight of colourful books lining the shelves and the smell of coffee wafting through the air made the place feel more like a chic cafe than a typical office.  

Stepping into unchartered territory, I have learnt so much. This gives me the strength to face the future with confidence. Yet, I remain humble, aware there’s still much to learn. I’m grateful for the wonderful people I’ve met. Their presence transformed mundane experiences into an exciting adventure. 

Initially, tales of the tough corporate life worried me, but luckily, my first stint as an intern was really positive. I spent my days crafting newsletters, chasing down media platforms and influencers for collaborations, brainstorming fresh marketing ideas, drafting pitches for upcoming books, and watching how our titles performed on Amazon. 

As time progressed, each day brought a new challenge, and I learned a bit more with each one. Soon, I discovered that this hands-on, learn-as-you-go method enhanced my skills and made work more fun. This was an important lesson as it taught me to love what I do and enjoy new beginnings. 

I also deeply appreciate my professors, who supported me from the beginning. They were there when I felt lost, choosing my path, and cheering me on during my interviews. Their guidance has been invaluable. Life’s outcomes may be uncertain, but I remain optimistic and view every experience as an opportunity to grow. 

(Angu Sanchu, the writer, is a final semester MA Journalism student, interning at Penguin Random House in New Delhi.)

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