
Online Examinations Planned to Save Semester: VC

End-term exam plan

Theory part to be conducted online while practical examination to be conducted after special practical lessons over the weekends or extended University hours after lockdown is lifted.

All steps were being taken to ensure that students did not lose out on studies and special arrangements were being made to conduct end-term examinations online in view of the continued lockdown and curfew in the state, assured Vice Chancellor Prof PK Khosla.

He said the University would like to complete the semester on time so that students, particularly those in the final semester, did not suffer. Examinations would be divided into two parts: The theory part would be conducted online while the practical examination would be conducted after special practical lessons over the weekends or extended University hours after the lockdown is lifted.

In view of the closure of the campus due to the coronavirus outbreak, no festivities on the Foundation Day could be organised, but the Vice Chancellor greeted the students, faculty and the staff to mark the occasion. Prof Khosla said he was happy to share that the University had taken a lead over most other institutions in the country in quickly adopting e-learning through virtual classrooms.

Daily Yogananda Webinars to enhance learning experience

In order to enhance the learning experience of students, the University has also introduced daily Yogananda Webinars for students and faculty. Eminent persons from various fields throw light on subjects of their expertise through interactive media tools. Among those who have participated in webinars so far are former Delhi University Vice Chancellor Dr Dinesh Singh, former IAS officer and motivational speaker Mr Vivek Atray, film critic and technocrat Mr Pavan Jha and the 21Notes Valmiki Ramayan creator Yashoodeep Deodhar.

He said such webinars through Facebook Live and Youtube would be held six days a week. Thanking the students and their parents, as well as the faculty for cooperating during these difficult times, the Vice Chancellor said measures were being taken to ensure that other significant activities of the University, such as placements and admissions, continued smoothly.

Time for Shoolini 2.0 to lead the way to digital learning: Mr Vishal Anand

Greeting the students, staff and faculty of the University on the 16th Foundation Day, Founder and President, Mr Vishal Anand, said these were challenging times and as always, we will take this as an opportunity to come out stronger as a team. Its time for Shoolini 2.0, a fully digital University, to lead the path of digital learning. He further stressed, We must collaborate and work together more aggressively to empower our Institution and make it stronger.

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