The multi-disciplinary Centre of Excellence in Energy Science and Technology (CEEST) was established at Shoolini University in 2019 under the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The Centre, ranked 12th in India in Energy as per SCIMAGO Institutional Rankings 2021, offers M Tech (Energy Technology) & PhD in Energy. Within just two years of its inception, the Centre has already established linkages with National and International Institutions and Industry for research, education, and technology transfer. It boasts of a highly specialised faculty in various disciplines of Energy with well-equipped laboratories for teaching, R&D and consultancy.

The major task of the Centre is to develop comprehensive innovative solutions to various energy and environmental challenges through leadership projects. This involves promoting energy efficiency and adoption of clean energy, geothermal and renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro, and biomass, etc., to meet the energy needs and consider various renewable energy policies at the local, regional, and national levels. 


To achieve excellence in research and technology development in the area of sustainable energy. 


  • To provide multidisciplinary education, research & development solutions with focus on clean energy sources 
  • To identify energy, environmental and climate change concerns & policy issues to provide local and global solutions, mainly focussed on the Himalayan Region 
  • To carry out detailed energy resource assessment with focus on solar, wind, bio-mass and other clean technology applications to improve the living conditions of people 
  • To promote energy education, environmental awareness, entrepreneurship development and National & International collaboration for technology development and transfer 
  • To provide high quality trained professionals for the Institutions/Energy Industry in the country and worldwide 

Key areas of Energy Education, Research, Technology Development & Consultancy

Solar photovoltaics | Solar Thermal | Concentrated Solar Power | Solar PV power generation |Micro Grid |Smart grid Power |  Wind | Wind resource Assessment| Solar Wind based hybrid Systems | Energy Storage Systems Pump Hydro |Battery research: Electrical Vehicle applications| Geothermal | Passive Solar Building Technology | Thermal comfort | Net-zero Energy Buildings |  Green Building Rating, Policies | Ocean | Tidal | Fuel Cells | Bio-Energy | Bio-fuels | Hydrogen Energy | Energy & Environment related research & Policy Issues |  Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning Applications for Renewable Energy | Smart Grid | Energy Management Systems | Renewable Energy Source assessment, Integration | Energy Storage Systems | Electrical Grid | Stability  | Renewable Power Penetration in Grid  |  etc,  

Concentrated Solar Power Steam Cooking System for 500 at Girls Hostel, Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

View of 400kWp grid-connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant at Shoolini University

Energy Efficiency Standards 👆

Academic Programmes

This Centre offers M Tech (Energy Technology) & PhD in Energy Science & Technology at Shoolini University in specialised areas of Energy.

1. M Tech Energy Technology 

Training in efficient production, management, and utilisation of various energy resources through innovative energy technologies. The students also gain in-depth knowledge of various forms of energy. 

Duration: Two years, Four Semesters

No. of Seats: 18

2. PhD (Energy Science & Technology) 

Research on technologies for efficient and clean energy conversion and utilisation, meeting the challenge of rising energy demands and prices, while simultaneously focussing the environmental friendly technologies, concerns, issues & impact of policies.

Duration: Minimum of six semesters

No. of Seats:

New Initiatives of the Centre: 

Policy on Energy-Efficient Solar Passive design & Construction of Buildings at Shoolini University 

As per a decision taken by the management of Shoolini University in Feb 2021, all the new buildings at Shoolini University are to be designed and constructed as per the Solar passive building technology and other environment-friendly measures. This will improve thermal comfort, energy efficiency, water conservation, etc., along with enhancing energy efficiency in existing buildings to reduce consumption of conventional energy. The CEEST is coordinating this effort in collaboration with the construction division of the university.

Energy Research Facilities 

The Centre is well-equipped   with energy research labs and other facilities:

Shoolini Innovation Technology Incubation Centre for Entrepreneur development 

  • The Ministry of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSME), GoI, sanctioned the Shoolini Innovation Business Incubation Centre (SIBI) on January 5, 2020, with Prof SS Chandel as Principal Coordinator. 
  • Under Shoolini Innovation Business Incubation Centre, 10 innovative projects (5 from University & 5 by startup companies/ entrepreneurs were submitted in Feb 2020 to the Ministry of Small, Medium Entrepreneurs (MSME), Govt of India, which are   under consideration. 

Solar Steam Generating Cooking Systems (Scheffler Type) in Girls Hostel of Shoolini University

 A solar steam generating system based on Concentrated Solar Technology Solar radiation falling onto the dish is concentrated onto the receiver, which heats the water which is converted into steam to cook food for 500 students.

400kWp grid-connected Solar Power Plant

Shoolini University has a grid-connected solar power system of 400kWp which   meets the partial electricity needs of University. 

Solar Water Heating Systems for hostels 

Flat Plate Collector and Evacuated Tube Collectors are installed in all hostels of the University to provide hot water for about 3000 students.

Green Energy Campus 

Under the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt of India, the Campus of Shoolini University is a Green Campus with Solar Energy utilisation & environmentally friendly technology use.


Linkages with International Institutions & Organisations

  • International Collaboration in Research with University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia in Passive Solar Building Technology, Built Environment & Renewable Energy 
  • Shoolini University signed an MoU with the Fitchburg State University Fitchburg, USA, on 20 February 2020 to promote Education & Training in Energy
  • CEEST is collaborating with the University of Exeter, UK, on Renewable Energy Research 

Collaboration with National Institutions 

  • The centre is already collaborating with NTPC-NETRA, National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), MNRE GOI, IITs, NITs for R&D and training
  • Shoolini University is approved as Host Institution by Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt of India. A Project for Entrepreneur Development & startups has been approved

Research Development & Consultancy  

The Centre has the expertise to undertake R&D & Consultancy Projects in the following Areas:

  • Utilisation of Renewable Energy Sources 
  • Strategy & Policy Issues to promote Solar Energy applications
  • Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation 
  • Solar Grid Power Plant Design & Operation 
  • Micro & Smart Grid for rooftop & Industries
  • Solar Wind Hybrid energy systems
  • Solar Passive design consultancy for space heating & cooling of houses & buildings 
  • Net-zero energy buildings; Green buildings 
  • Design & development of Solar heating systems: Solar driers, Green Houses
  • Water as Renewable Energy Source: Water Purification
  • Solar Water pumping for Irrigation.
  • Concentrated Solar Power Cooking Systems 
  • Micro Hydro Turbines
  • Solar Air heating, Solar drying
  • Solar green houses
  • Wind Energy: Wind Resource Assessment
  • Energy Storage Systems, 
  • Solar/ Electrical Vehicle Research
  • Energy & Environment Policy Issues & Solutions
  • Bioenergy, Bio-gas, Biomass space heating systems 
  • Solar photovoltaic power generation forecasting
  • Solar & Wind resource  assessment & prediction 
  • Applications of machine learning techniques in solar energy 
  • Solar radiation and wind Resource Assessment & forecasting 
  • Energy management systems
  • Thermal comfort in Buildings
  • Energy & Environment Policies

Glimpse of Activities during 2020 -2021

1. Roadmap to Solar Power Generation in India – Area of Focus

  • Centre is working with National Institutions, new startups for Solar PV power generation, Rooftop PV & hybrid power systems 
  • Centre has a tie up with the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Energy Technology Research Alliance (NETRA), Noida, which is designated as the nodal agency by MNRE, GoI, for Concentrated Solar Power technologies (CSP) with excellent research & Testing Facilities
  • The Centre of Excellence in Energy Science & Technology and NETRA are working to prepare a roadmap to develop concentrated solar power in India by creating a network of energy centres established in IITs, NITs in the Country. This was finalised as a follow-up on 5 March 2020 during international training by Indo-German collaboration on CSP. Shoolini University has also agreed to the proposal, which is underway.
  • A programme structure has already been formulated and proposed to NETRA  

2. The Centre organised a Webinar series on ‘Sustainable Energy & Environmental Issues and Solutions’ during November 2020 & March 2021

Core Faculty

1. Dr. Shyam Singh Chandel, Professor & Director

Dr SS Chandel is Professor (Energy Technology) and Director Centre of Excellence in Energy Science and Technology, at Shoolini University. His research interests are: Renewable Energy Technologies, including Solar Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal, Solar Passive Building Technology; Solar Power Generation; Wind Energy, Bio-Energy, Hybrid power systems, IPR, GIs with vast R&D, Industrial experience of coordinating National (DST/MNRE) & International   Aus-Aid, World Bank, UNDP.GEF Energy Projects. 

Prof SS Chandel got worldwide recognition among the top 2% Researchers in Energy as per Stanford University World Ranking of Scientists. Ranked Top %: 1.5536465 among top 100,000 scientists across all fields as Researcher in Energy in Lifetime Research Career-long Category   on October 16, 2020. Previously, he worked as Professor (Energy & Environment and founder Head of the Centre for Energy Environmental Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (2009-2018), Principal Scientific Officer & Head, Science Technology Division, & HP Patent Information Centre at HP State Council for Science, Technology Environment, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh (1992-2009). He has more than 100 research publications, books in International Journals of repute.

2. Dr. Arvind Singh Bisht, Assistant Professor (Energy) 

Arvind Singh Bisht, Assistant Professor (Energy) has a PhD degree from the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh and a master’s degree in Thermal Engineering, He has also worked as a research intern at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICRISAT Hyderabad. His research interests are heat & mass transfer, refrigeration & air conditioning, thermodynamics, IC engine, operation research, solar thermal, energy conservation, solar passive building technologies, biomass gasification, energy & climate change concerns, energy economics, energy efficiency & management, and energy planning & policy. He has published 6 research publications in International Journals and 20 in National and International conferences.

3. Abhishek Mehrotra Assistant Professor (Energy) 

Abhishek Mehrotra is an Assistant Professor at the Centre of Excellence in Energy Science and Technology. With more than 8 years of industrial experience in developing renewable energy equipment, he has developed 7 products of RE for hands-on training and education purposes. He holds an M Tech in Energy Studies, IIT Delhi, and is pursuing a PhD on improving microclimate enhancement in  buildings.  

Adjunct Faculty of CEEST:



Energy Research Area


Prof Ashok Lall

Consultant & Adjunct Professor (Energy Efficient Architecture) under Shoolini University Solar Building Project,_CEEST


Prof (Dr) Ram Prakash Dwivedi

 Professor (IT /Electronics): Applications in Energy


Dr. Amar Raj Singh Suri

Associate Professor (Mechanical Engineering) Thermal/Heat Transfer, Heat Exchanger; Concentrated Solar thermal.


Dr Raj Kumar Saini

Associate Professor (Electrical Engineering):  Electric Grid


Dr Raj Kumar

Associate Professor (Mechanical Engineering): Thermal heat Transfer; Solar Air Heating; Solar Drying.


Dr Robin Thakur

Associate Professor (Mechanical Engineering): Hydro power; Micro hydro turbines_


Dr Ashwani Sharma

Assistant Professor (Electronics); Applications in Energy _


Dr Nitin Kumar

Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering); Heat transfer


Dr Sonia

Assistant Professor (Computer Science) Artificial Intelligence applications in Energy

Upcoming Events 2021

  • National & International Webinar series on Energy & Environment technology Solutions in 2021


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