Home Campus Yogananda Happiness & Wellness Centre Inaugurated

Yogananda Happiness & Wellness Centre Inaugurated

Shoolini Yogananda Happiness Wellness Centre Inaugration

Establishing itself as a leader in holistic well-being and happiness research, Shoolini University opened the Yogananda Happiness and Wellness Centre at Yogananda Villa on May 1. Founder Chancellor Prof PK Khosla led the ceremony with a ‘havan’, which was attended by faculty members, students, and guests. After the ritual, Prof Khosla cut the ribbon to formally open the Centre. 

The Centre, said Yogananda School of Spirituality and Happiness Director Prof Saamdu Chetri, was a shared dream of Founder President and Trustee of the Foundation for Liberal Sciences and Business Management (FLSBM), Saroj Khosla, and Prof PK Khosla. He emphasised their vision of bringing happiness into the lives of every individual associated with Shoolini University and beyond. 

The Yogananda Happiness & Wellness Centre offers a range of wellness therapies, including massage therapy, acupressure, and, eventually, naturopathy. Prof Chetri hopes that children and individuals of all ages suffering from ailments will receive treatment at the Centre. 

Prof Chetri explained the functionality of various massage machines and gadgets on display, highlighting how specific massages and oils are used to treat different types of pain. A student elaborated on how massages are tailored to individual pain types and how different oils are selected for specific therapies. 

Prof Chetri mentioned that a nominal fee would be charged for therapy massages, while acupressure services would mostly be free. He strongly believes in the effectiveness of acupressure in treating various conditions, noting that this is just the beginning, with bigger plans for the future. 

Shoolini University Vice Chancellor Prof Atul Khosla said a building to house all spaces for the happiness centre should be ready by November. The Centre will include a massage therapy unit, an acupressure unit, and other complementary wellness services. 

The inauguration marks the beginning of an exciting chapter for the Yogananda School of Spirituality and Happiness, with plans to further expand the Centre. 

May 2, 2024

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