The Nature Index is a database of author affiliation information collected from research articles published in an independently selected group of 82 high-quality science journals.

Solan-based Shoolini University has emerged as the top university in Himachal Pradesh, as per the latest rankings released by Nature Index.

The Nature Index is a database of author affiliation information collected from research articles published in an independently selected group of 82 high-quality science journals. The database is compiled by Nature Research. The Nature Index provides a close to real-time proxy of high-quality research output and collaboration at the institutional, national and regional level.

Out of the 100 top institutions across the country, ranked subject-wise, Shoolini University has been placed at the 19th position. It has been placed at the 53rd position in Physical Sciences and 73rd position in all subjects throughout the country.

Source: Nature Index

The Nature Index provides a perspective on high-quality research on the basis of published articles. It is intended to provide one of a number of methods to assess research excellence and institutional performance.

The latest rankings reflect our continuous efforts for excellence in research, said Vice Chancellor Prof P K Khosla.

Dr Dinesh Kumar Chatanta, Head Bioengineering and Food Technology, Shoolini University, said, “Shoolini University is growing fast and will soon claim its place among the top Global Universities.”

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