Spearheading Publications in Private Universities

Publication of papers across disciplines has been a focus of Shoolini University since its establishment in 2009. Our research objectives are two fold – (i) to pursue scientific knowledge and (ii) address issues faced by the society and our community. Hence, two committees have been formulated to guide the various schools to enhance their research output:

1. Joint Research and Development Advisory Committee (JRDAC)

2. Faculty-wise Research Advisory Committees (RACs)

Shoolini University is also cognizant towards its social obligations and pro-actively engages with the local community. A large part of our research is focused on socially relevant issues of water, food, cancer etc.

Quality control

Not only numerically, we also lay special emphasis on the quality of publications where research papers of our faculty members and students are published. Hence, all papers written by the students and faculty of Shoolini University are only sent to publications approved by Scopus.

With such stringent quality parameters in place, the university has an H-Index of > 66 with 17080 citations. These numbers are changing rapidly. For research, global organisation such as SCIMAGO and Times Higher Education have recognised us as well. As per SCIMAGO Institutions Ranking in 2020, we rank 34 among the top Indian institutions of higher learning by. THE has ranked us #1 in citation in India according to their 2020 ranking.

  • H-Index of > 90 
  • 17080 citations
  • Ranked #1 in India for Citation by Times Higher Education, 2020
  • Ranked 34 top Indian institutions of higher learning by SCIMAGO Institutions Ranking, 2020

Infrastructure & Collaboration

Shoolini University has all the requisite infrastructure and policies to motivate faculty members and research scholars for quality research output. To create an international impact on our research output, Shoolini University has MOUs with various global counterparts for research collaboration. In fact, we are keen to inculcate the spirit of research among UG students. Hence, Shoolini has also started an innovative research-based program called the Summit Research Program in Biotechnology and Food Technology.



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