Sunil Puri
PhD in Biological Sciences, NAAS Fellow, Ex (Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Agricultural University, Raipur, ICAR and SAUs.)
Mobile: 9816011680
Prof Sunil Puri, Dean of Academic Affairs-cum-Registrar, has more than 38 years of teaching experience. He has published 189 papers and 13 books. His areas of interest are stress physiology, land use systems, climate impacts, agroforestry, biofuel & energy conservation. An NAAS Fellow, Prof Puri has been a member of the Editorial Board of Agroforestry Systems, Coordinator of Tropical Agroforestry (1.15.02) of IUFRO Division 1 (Silviculture) and received the Hon’ble ML Shroff’s Young Scientist Award from the Indian Pharmaceutical Association in 2009.
A pioneer in the education field, he has introduced many programmes at Shoolini University and as registrar and Dean of Academic Affairs, is in charge of the UG, PG and PhD programmes.
Prof Puri also introduced MSc Agroforestry program in the Department of Agroforestry, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, in 1988. This degree programme is the first of its kind not only in India but also in Asia. Similarly, he initiated the programs of MSc in Agroforestry in 1997 and PhD in Forestry in 2001 at the Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur.
Additionally, he prepared the reading material and course curriculum for Silvipasture (first degree level), under the vocational education program of UGC. At present, these courses are taught throughout the country by colleges affiliated with UGC. Prof Puri also developed the PG curricula in Forestry for ICAR and SAUs.
In the field of research, this academician of repute has been actively working on Stress Physiology in agroforestry systems, nursery technology, vegetative propagation, tree improvement, selection/introduction of species and afforestation of degraded lands. The pattern of crop productivity and soil nutrient dynamics in traditional agroforestry practices were important contributions. His studies challenged the widely held view (Thornley’s Theory) that trees under stress allocated more photosynthate and biomass to below ground components (roots) than to above-ground components (stem, etc.). Now, this is considered an important achievement in the field of agroforestry.
His studies related to biomass production and carbon storage in an Agri-silviculture system comprising Gmelina arborea and Populus deltoides trees planted in varying densities did not support Thorley’s Theory. Prof Puri also contributed to the selection of suitable species of tree under agroforestry practices as well as in wasteland/degraded lands. Techniques for attaining a plantable size of seedlings of fir species, a native of the Himalayas, within 2 - 2½ years (which otherwise takes 4-5 years) is another important contribution.
Prof Sunil Puri can be reached at sunilpuri@shooliniunoversity.com
- Sharma, K., Verma, R., Kumar, D., Nepovimova, E., Kuca, K., Kumar, A., Raghuvanshi, D., Dhalaria, R., Puri, S. (2022). Ethnomedicinal plants used for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in Himachal Pradesh, India in Western Himalaya. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 293: 115318.
- Prakash, S., Kumar, M., Radha., Kumari, N., Thakur, M., Rathour, S., Puri, S., Pundir, A., Sharma, A.K., Bangar, S.P., Dhumal, S., Singh, S., Thiyagarajan, A. (2021). Plant-Based Antioxidant Extracts and Compounds in the Management of Oral Cancer. Antioxidants 10:1358.
- Prakash, P., Kumar, M., Radha., Kumari, N., Prakash, S., Rathour, S., Thakur, M., Jamwal, R., Janjua, S., Ali, M., Pundir, A., Puri, S. (2021). Therapeutic Uses of Wild Plants by Rural Inhabitants of Maraog Region in District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. Horticulturae 7(10): 343.
- Prakash, P., Kumar, M., Radha., Pundir, A., Puri, S., Prakash, S., Kumari, N., Thakur, M.,
- Rathour, S., Jamwal, R., Janjua, S., Ali M. (2021). Documentation of commonly used ethnoveterinary medicines from wild plants of high hills in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh, India. Horticulturae 7(10): 351.
- Kumar, M., Radha., Devi, H., Prakash, S., Rathore, S., Thakur, M., Puri, S., Pundir, A., Bangar, S.P., Changan, S., Ilakiya, T., Samota, M.K. (2021). Ethnomedicinal Plants Used in the Health Care System: Survey of the Mid Hills of Solan District, Himachal Pradesh, India. Plants 10:1842.
- Radha., Janjua, S., Ali, M., Thakur, M., Jamwal, R., Rathour, S., Pubral, A.K., Kumari, N., Puri, S., Pundir, A., Kumar, M. (2021). Documenting Traditional Knowledge before they are forgotten: A Study on the Ethnomedicinal uses of Wild Plants by Rural People of Jubbarhatti in District Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences 13(1): 37-51.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Kumar, D., Puri, S. (2021). Antimicrobial Potential and Phytochemical Profiling of Ethnomedicinal Plant Trillium govanianum Wall. ex D. Don in Western Himalaya. Journal of Herbal Medicine 24:100491.
- Thakur, A., Singh, S., Puri, S. (2021). Nutritional evaluation, Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antibacterial activity of Stellaria monosperma Buch.-Ham. Ex D. Don and Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke: wild edible plants of Western Himalayas. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 14(1): 83–90.
- Radha., Chauhan, P., Puri, S., Sharma, A.K., Pundir, A. (2021). A study of wild medicinal plants used in Nargu Wildlife Sanctuary of district Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 11(4): 135–144.
- Radha., Kumar, M., Puri, S., Bhushan, B., Mekhemar, M. (2021). Evaluation of nutritional, phytochemical, and mineral composition of selected medicinal plants for therapeutic uses from cold desert of western Himalaya. Plants 10(7): 1429.
- Raghuvanshi, D., Dhalaria, R., Sharma, A., Kumar, D., Kumar, H., Valis, M., Kuca, K., Verma, R., Puri, S. (2021). Ethnomedicinal Plants Traditionally Used for the Treatment of Jaundice (Icterus) in Himachal Pradesh in Western Himalaya—A Review. Plants 10(2):232
- Verma, R., Kumar, D., Nagraik, R., Sharma, A., Tapwal, A., Puri, S., Kumar, H., Kumari, A., Nepovimova, E., Kuca, K. (2021). Mycorrhizal inoculation impact on Acorus calamus L., -An ethnomedicinal plant of western Himalaya and its in silco studies for anti-inflammatory potential. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 265 (2021) 113353.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Kumar, D., Puri, S. (2020). Phytochemical profiling and biological activity of Leucas lanata Benth. An important ethnmoedicinal plants of western Himalaya. Eco. Env. and Cons 26: (S169-S175) ISSN 0971-765X.
- Dhalaria, R., Verma, R., Kumar, D., Nepovimova, E., Kuca, K., Puri, S. (2020). Bioactive compounds of edible fruits with their anti-aging properties: A comprehensive review to prolong human life, Antioxidants, 9(11): 1–38, 1123.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Kumar, D., Puri, S. (2020). Phytochemical profiling and biological activity of Leucas lanata benth. An important ethnomedicinal plant of western Himalaya Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 26: 169–175.
- Thakur, M., Khosla, P.K., Puri, S., Radha. (2020). Ethnobotanical study of wild medicinal plants used by local people of Tirthan valley in district Kullu of Himachal Pradesh, India. Plant Archives. 20 (AIAAS-2020), 129-132.
- Singh, S., Kiran, V., Gupta, S., Ratwan, P., Devi, V., Thakur, A., Puri, S., Application of Proline and Mannitol on Lepidium sativum L. Under abiotic stress condition (Heavy metal stress) Plant Archives. 20(2): 6877-6884.
- Thakur, M., Khosla, P.K., Puri, S., Radha. (2020). Documentation of commonly used ethnomedicinal plants in Shikari Devi Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, India. Plant Archives. 20(2): 3691-3695.
- Sharma, M., Puri, S. (2020). Physiological performance secondary metabolites profiling and photo-oxidation tolerance in Withania somnifera. Journal of Medicinal Plants. 10(2). DOI-10.5958/0975-6892.2020.00007.6.
- Thakur, A., Singh, S., Puri, S. (2020). Exploration of Wild Edible Plants Used as Food by Gaddis-A Tribal Community of the Western Himalaya. The Scientific World Journal. 1-6. DOI: 10.1155/2020/6280153.
- Kaushalaya, D., Samant, SS., Puri, S., Paul, S., Dutt, S. (2018). Diversity distribution pattern and indigenous uses of medicinal plants in Kanwar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya. Journal of Conservation Biology-International Journal of Medicinal Plants. 116:117-219.
- Radha., Puri, S., Kumar, S. (2018). Diversity and use of wild edible plants by migratory shepherds in the Himachal Pradesh of the Western Himalayas, India. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 12(30): 601-610.
- Chauhan, P., Sharma, M., Radha., Puri, S. (2019). Phytochemical Screening of Acorus Calamus Linn and Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Annals of Agri Bio Research. 24(1): 33-35.
- Radha., Puri, S., Kumar, S. (2019). Phytochemical Screening of Wild Medicinal Plants Used by Tribal Migratory Shepherds in Pabbar Valley, Western Himalaya. Annals of Agri Bio Research. 24(1): 36-39.
- Radha., Puri, S., Kumar, V. (2019). Phytochemical screening of medicinal plants used by tribal migratory shepherds in Western Himalaya. Annals of Biology. 35(1). 11-14.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2019). Phytochemical Screening of Selected Medicinal Plants Used by Migratory Shepherds in Sangla Valley of District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Annals of Agri Bio Research. 24(1): 29-32.
- Radha., Puri, S., Kumar, S. (2019). An Ethnobotanical Study of Wild Medicinal Plants Used by Migratory Shepherds – A Tribal Community of Western Himalaya. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 12(4). 137-144.
- Devi, K., Samant, S.S., Puri, S., Kundra, R., Kumari, P. (2018). Antioxidant Activity and Indigenous Uses of Angelica glauca Edgew and Aralia cachemirica Decne in Kanawar Wild Life Sanctuary, North Western Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh. Medicinal Plants- International Journal of Phytomedicines and related industries. 10(4) 312:319.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2019). Study of Wild Medicinal Plants Used by Tribal Migratory Shepherds in Hills of Shimla District, Himachal Pradesh. Plant Archives. 19(1): 785-790.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2019). Survey of Ethnomedicinal Plants Used by Migratory Shepherds in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. Plant Archives. 19(1): 477-482.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2019). Assessment of Wild Medicinal Plant used by migratory shepherds in Alpine Area of Rakchham and Chitkul wildlife Sanctuary of district Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh. Plant Archives. 19(1): 418-429.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2019). Phytochemical analysis of ethanolic extracts of leaves of some selected medicinal plants used by tribal community of Sangla valley, district Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Plant Archives 19(1): 397-403.
- Radha., Puri, S., Janjua, S., Srivastava, S., Negi, V. (2020). Commonly used wild ethnoveterinary medicinal plants by migratory shepherds in Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary of district Sirmaur in Himachal Pradesh, India. Plant Archives 20:136-138.
- Radha., Puri, S., Pundir, A. (2019). Review on Ethnomedicinal Plant: Trillium govanianum Wall. Ex D. Don. International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences 11(2): 04-09.
- Sudiksha., Radha., Puri, S., Kumari, M., Janjua, S., Srivastava, S., Negi, V. (2020). Documentation of commonly used wild medicinal plants in Shikari Devi Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh India. Plant Archives 20: 139-141.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2020). Ethnoveterinary medicinal uses of some plant species by the migratory shepherds of the western Himalaya. Plant Archives 20: 29-31.
- Kumari, M., Radha., Puri, S., Chauhan, P., Sudiksha., Thakur, S., Pubral, A.K., Srivastava, S., Janjua, S. (2020). Ethnobotanical survey of commonly used wild medicinal plants in high hills of Dhami in district Shimla of Himachal Pradesh, India. Plant Archives 20:133-135.
- Radha., Puri, S., Pundir, A., Thakur, M.S., Negi, Y.S., Chauhan, B., Simer, K., Chandel, K., Dhiman, N., Sivani. (2019). Diversity of ethnomedicinal plants in Churdhar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 9(11): 048-053.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Kumar, D. (2019). Assessment of antimicrobial potential and phytochemical profiling of ethnomedicinal plant Berginia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. In western Himalaya. J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci 9(1): 15-20.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Kumar, D., Puri, S. (2019). Assessment of medicinal and phytochemical potential of ethnomedicinal plant Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. plant in western Himalaya. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 9(9). (In Press).
- Thakur, M., Bhattacharya, S., Khosla, P.K., Puri, S. (2019). Improving production of plant secondary metabolites through biotic and abiotic elicitation Journal of applied research on medicinal and aromatic plants 12: 1-12.
- Jamwal, K., Bhattacharya, S., Puri, S. (2018). Plant growth regulator mediated consequences of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and aromatic Plants 9: 26-38.
- Sharma, J.A., Puri, S., Bhattacharya, S., Randev, N.D. (2018). Drought Stress-Mediated Consequences on Enzymatic Antioxidants of Fagopyron esculentum Moench Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences 6(1): 22-27.
- Radha., Puri, S. (2018). Study of Ethnomedicinal Plants used by Migratory Shepherds in Renuka Forest Division of District Sirmour (H.P) Western Himalaya Biological Forum-An International Journal 4(2): 103-109.
- Randev, N.D., Puri, S. (2017). Determination of suitability of water quality for agricultural proposes using new scoring based Randev and Puri classification International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences 4(5).
- Verma, R., Puri, S. (2016). Antimicrobial, antioxidant and GC-MS profiling of Rumex obtusifolius L. an important ethnomedicinal plant of Himachal Pradesh in North Western Himalaya. Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries 8(3): 249- 254.
- Randev., N.D., Puri, S., Bhattacharya, S., Jamwal, A., Sharma, S. (2016). Evaluation of Water Quality Index for the Groundwater in region around Buddha Nallah, Punjab, India. International Journal of Advanced Research 4(4): 1411-1414.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Puri, S. (2016). Phytochemical Profiling and GCMS Study of Adhatoda vasica Nees. an Ethnomedicinal Plant of North Western Himalaya. Biological Forum 8(2): 268-273.
- Thakur, K., Puri, S., Verma, J. (2016). Assessment of species diversity along different altitudinal gradients in Bandli Wildlife Sancturay District Mandi, Himachal Pradesh International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies 3(7).
- Thakur, K., Puri, S. (2016). Ethnobotanical plants of Bandli Wildlife Sanctuary, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Advanced Research 4(6):106-108.
- Randev, N.D., Puri, S., Bhattacharya, S., Jamwal, A., Sharma, S. (2016). Evaluation of Water Quality Index for the Groundwater in region around Buddha Nallah, Punjab, India. International Journal of Advanced Research 4(4):1411-1414.
- Jamwal, A., Puri, S., Sharma, S., Bhattacharya, S., Dhindsa, N. (2015). Polyethylene glycol induced morphological changes in Fagopyrom esculentum Moench of India Himalayan region Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences 3(2): 142-146.
- Randev, N., Puri, S., (2015). Water Quality status of Buddha Nallah Stream in Punjab, India Asian Academic Research Journal of Asian Academic Research Associates 2(5).
- Kumari, R., Puri, S., Sharma, M. (2015). Impact of seasonal variation on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in lower Himalaya, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Science 6: 140-160.
- Sharma, M., Puri, S. (2015). Withania as effective herbicide against a prominent weed of mid Himalaya, Parthenium hysterophorus. International Journal of Scientific Research. 4(9): 134-136.
- Gawali, A., Puri, S., Swamy, S.L. Growth, biomass, carbon sequestration and nutrient storage in Ceiba pentandra (L) Gaertn. Stands in sub humid tropics of Eastern India. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 2014. 71-81.
- Sharma, S., Puri, S., Jamwal, A., Bhattachrya, S., Dhinsida, N., Thakur, K. (2014). Effect of salytstress on seedling growth and survival of Oenothera biennis L. International Research Journal of Environmernt Sciences 3(9): 70-74.
- Sikha, S., Puri, S., Jamwal, A., Bhattacharya, S., Dhindsa, N., Thakur, K. (2014). Effect of salt stress on seedling growth and survival of Oenothera biennis L. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences 3(9): 70-74.
- Kaur, R., Sharma, M., Puri, S. (2013). Comparison of nutrient distribution in monoculture and polyculture land use system of sub-temperate midhills of Himachal Pradesh. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences 2(2): 42-45.
- Sikha, S., Puri, S., Jamwal, A., and Bhattacharya, S. (2013). Impact of water deficit and salinity stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Capsicum annum ‘Solan Bharpur’ International Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2(8): 9-15.
- Jaswal, A., Puri, S., Sharma, S. Bhattacharya, S. (2012). Impact of water-deficit stress on the seed germination and growth of Lycopersicon esculentum ‘Solan Sindhur’. NeBIO An International Journal of Environment and Biodiversity 3(2): 118-123.
- Bhattacharya, S., Puri, S., Jamwal, A., Sharma, S. (2012). Studies on seed germination and seedling growth in Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex Nees) under abiotic stress conditions. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 1(3): 197-204.
- Swamy, S.L., Mishra, A., Puri, S. (2005). Comparison of growth, biomass and nutrient distribution in five promising clones of Populus deltoides under an agrisilviculture system. Bioresource Technology. (UK) (In Press).
- Puri, S., Nair, P.K.R. (2004). Agroforestry Research for Development in India : 25 Years of experiences of a national program. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 61 437-452.
- Swamy, S.L., Ganguli, J.L., Puri, S. (2004). Regeneration and multiplication of Albizia procera Benth. through organogenesis. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 60(2): 113-121.
- Swamy, S.L., Kushwaha, S., Puri, S. (2004). Tree growth, biomass, allometry and nutrient distribution in Gmelina arborea stands grown in red lateritic soils of Central India. Biomass & Bioenergy (USA) 26(4) : 305-317.
- Puri, S., Thompson, F.B. (2003). Effect of soil and plant water relations on rooting of Populus x euramericana stem cuttings. New Forests (USA) 25 : 109-124.
- Swamy, S.L., Puri, S., Singh, A.K. (2003). Growth, biomass, carbon storage and nutrient distribution in G. arborea Roxb. Stands on red lateritic soils in Central India. Bioresoruce & Technology (UK) 90(2) : 109-126.
- Puri, S., Thompson, F.B. (2003). Relationship of water to adventitious rooting in stem cuttings of Populus species. (The Netherlands) 58 : 1-9.
- Swamy, S.L., Mishra, A., Puri, S. (2003). Biomass production and root distribution of Gmelina arborea under an agrisilviculture system in subhumid tropics of Central India. New Forest (USA) 26 : 167-186.
- Puri, S., Swamy, S.L., Jaiswal, A.K. (2002). Evaluation of Populus deltoides clones under nursery, field and Agri silviculture system in subhumid tropics of Central India. New Forests (USA) 23: 45-61.
- Swamy, S.L., Puri, S., Singh, A.K. (2002). Effect of auxins (IBA and NAA) and season on rooting of juvenile and mature hardwood cuttings of Robinia pseudoacacia and Grewia optiva. New Forests (USA) 23: 143-157.
- Swamy, S.L., Puri, S., Kanwar, K. (2002). Propagation of Robinia pseudoacacia Linn. And Grewia optiva Drummond from rooted stem cuttings. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 55 : 231-237.
- Puri, S., Swamy, S.L. (2001). Growth and biomass production in Azadirachta indica seedlings in response to nutrients (N and P) and moisture stress. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 51 : 57-68.
- Puri, S., Swamy, S.L. (1999). Geographical variation in rooting ability of stem cuttings of Azadirachta indica and Dalbergia sissoo. Genetic Resources and Crop Evoluation (The Netherlands) 46 : 29-36.
- Bangarwa, K.S., Singh, V.P. Puri, S. (1996). Viability retention of seeds of shisham (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) on the trees after maturity. New Forests (USA) 11 : 85-91.
- Puri, S., Verma, R.C. (1996). Vegetative propagation of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. using softwood and hardwood stem cuttings. Journal Arid Environment (UK) 34 : 235-245.
- Nilum., Puri, S., Verma, R.C. (1995). Vegetative propagation of Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo and Prosopis cineraria by cuttings. International Tree Crops Journal (UK) 8 : 139-149.
- Puri, S., Bangarwa, K.S., Singh, S. (1995). Influence of multipurpose trees on agricultural crops in arid regions of Haryana, India. J. Arid Environment (UK) 30: 441-451.
- Puri, S., Verma, R.C. (1995). Mass propagation of Dalbergia sissoo by cuttings: Factors affecting the rooting of cuttings. International Tree Crops Journal (UK) 8 : 151-161.
- Puri, S., Kumar, A. (1995). Establishment of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce in the hot desert of India. New Forests (USA) 9 : 21-33.
- Puri, S., Jain, M. (1995). Callus induction in explants of Acacia catechu. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports (USA) 13 : 19-22.
- Puri, S., Singh, S., Bhushan, B. (1994). Evaluation of fuelwood potential of indigenous and exotic tree species of semiarid region. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 26 : 123-130.
- Puri, S., Singh, V., Bhushan, B., Singh, S. (1994). Biomass production and distribution of roots in three strands of Populus deltoides. Forest Ecology & Management (The Netherlands) 65 : 135-147.
- Puri, S., Singh, S., Bhushan, B. (1994). Fuelwood value index in components of ten tree species of arid region in India. J. Industrial Crops and Products (The Netherlands) 3 : 69-74.
- Puri, S., Singh, S., Kumar, A. (1994). Growth and productivity of crops in association with an Acacia nilotica tree belt. J. Arid Environment (UK) 27 : 37-48.
- Puri, S., Kumar, A., Singh, S. (1994). Productivity of Cicer arietinum (chickpea) under Prosopis cineraria based agroforestry system in arid regions of India. J. Arid Environment (UK) 27 : 85-98.
- Puri, S., Bangarwa, K.S. (1992). Effects of trees on the yield of irrigated wheat crop in semiarid regions. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 20(3) : 229-241.
- Puri, S., Shamet, G.S. (1992). Root and shoot growth of Leucaena leucocephala and Leucaena diversifolia in the Shivalik hills of India. Leucaena Research Report (USA) 13 : 43-45.
- Puri, S., Singh, S., Khara, A. (1992). Effect of windbreak on the yield of cotton crop in semi-arid regions of Haryana. Agroforestry Systems (The Netherlands) 18 : 183-195.
- Puri, S., Jain, M., Sharma, P. (1992). In vitro plant regeneration of Prosopis cineraria. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Report (USA) 10 : 189.
- Puri, S., Gupta, S.R., Bhardawaj, B.B. (1992). Litterfall quantity and decomposition rate in a Leucaena leucocephala plantation on a saline soil. Leucaena Research Report (USA) 13 : 40-42.
- Puri, S., Khara, A. (1991). Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus tereticornis on Phaseolus vulgaris seedlings. International Tree Crops Journal (UK) 6(4): 287-293.
- Puri, S., Thompson, F.B. (1989). Rooting of stem cuttings of Populus x euramericana under different water potentials. Annalas des Sciences Forestieres (France) 46 : 127-129.
- Puri, S. (1990). Rooting of stem cuttings of Casuarina equisetifolia and their nodulation. International Tree Crops Journal (UK) 6 : 51-57.
- Puri, S., Tak, M.A. (1989). Effect of photoperiod and fertilization on the development of containerized west Himalayan silver fir seedlings in a nursery. Forestry (supplement) (UK) 62 : 149-155.
- Puri, S., Shamet, G.S. (1988). Propagation of Robinia pseudoacacia by seeds and stem cuttings in the Himalayas. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Report (USA) : 71-72.
- Puri, S., Shamet, G.S. (1988) Rooting of stem cuttings of some social forestry species. International Tree Crops Journal (UK) 5 : 63-70.
- Puri, S., Tak, M. (1987). Accelerating growth of silver fir seedlings under controlled environments. Canadian Journal Forestry Research (Canada) 17 : 835-839.
- Grover, I.S., Puri, S. (1982). Effects of methionine sulphoximine on protein transients during heterocyst differentiation in Anabaena and Cylindrospermum spp. Zeitschrift fur Allg. Mikrobiologie (Germany) 22 : 161-168.
- Grover, I.S., Puri, S. (1981). Effect of rifampicin on the heterocyst pattern in Anabaena ARM 314. Zeischrift fur Allg. Mikrobiologie (Germany) 21 : 281-288.
- Grover, I.S., Puri, S., Kaur, R. (1980). Protein transients during heterocyst differentiation in Anabaena circularis and Cylindrospermum species. Zeitschrift fur Allg. Mikrobiologie (Germany) 20: 13-21.
- Verma, R., Tapwal, A., Kumar, D., Puri, S. (2019). Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity in some important ethnomedicinal plants of Western Himalaya. Medicinal Plants. 11(3): 279-285.
- Kumari P, Samant SS, Puri S, Singh A, Rathore S. 2019. Diversity, Indigenous uses and rational practices of dye yielding plants in Central Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 18(3).
- Radha, Puri, S., Pundir, A. (2019). Survey of Wild Medicinal Plants used by Migratory Shepherds in Summer Hill of District Shimla in Himachal Pradesh. Bio Bulletin. 5(1): 18-24.
- Kumari, P., Samant, S.S., Kumar, D., Puri, S., Singh, A. (2018). Assessment of economically important floristic diversity of Kamrunag Sacred Grove in Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya, India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products. 25(3): 145-160.
- Kaushalaya, D., Samant, S.S., Puri, S., Lal, M. (2019). Diversity structure and regeneration pattern of tree communities in Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, North West Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Ecology. 46(1): 94-103.
- Kaushalaya, D., Samant, S.S., Puri, S., Dutt, D. (2018). Diversity, distribution pattern and indigenous uses of orchids in Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, NorthWestern Himalaya. Journal of Orchid Society of India. 32: 17-23.
- Kumari, P., Samant, S. S., Puri, S. (2018). Diversity, distribution, indigenous uses and conservation of medicinal plants in central Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya. Journal of medicinal plants studies, 6(5), 45-68.
- Devi, K., Samant, S. S., Puri, S., Lal, M. (2019). Diversity, structure and regeneration pattern of tree communities in Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya, India. Indian Journal of Ecology, 46(1), 94-103.
- Devi, K., Samant, S. S., Puri, S., Kundra, R., Kumari, P. (2018). Investigation of antioxidant and radical scavenging potential of Angelica glauca Edgew. and Aralia cachemirica Decne: A high value medicinal plants from Kanawar wildlife sanctuary in Himachal Pradesh of north western Himalayas. Medicinal Plants-International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries, 10(4), 312-319.
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- Puri S and Swamy SL 2003 Productivity of chickpea under a Prosopis cineraria based agroforestry system. In : RN Sharma, GK Srivastava, AL Rathod, ML Sharma and MA Khan (Eds.) Chickpea Research for the Millennium. 314-325 pp. Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur.
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- Naugraiya MN and Puri S 1996 Soil and water management of degraded wasteland through hortipastoral system in Chhattisgarh plains. In : RK Kohli and KS Arya (Eds.) Resource Inventory Techniques to Support Agroforestry and Environment 243-247 pp. DNAES, Chandigarh.
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- Puri S, Bangarwa KS and Singh, S 1994 Evaluation of multipurpose tree species for Agroforestry in arid and semiarid regions of India. In : Singh P, Pathak PS and Roy MM (Eds.) Agroforestry Systems for Degraded Lands Vol. 1 : 261-268 pp. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
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- Puri S 1993 Agroforestry practices of arid and semi-arid lands in Haryana (India). In : DK Khurana and PK Khosla Agroforestry for Rural Needs. Vol. II, 483-488 pp. IUFRO Proceedings, ISTS Publications.
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- Puri S 1993 Strategies of seedling production in arid and semiarid nurseries. In : S Puri and PK Khosla (Eds.) Nursery Technology For Agroforestry : Applications in Arid and Semiarid Regions. 21-27 pp. Oxford & IBH Co./Winrock International, USA.
- Puri S 1993 Arid and semiarid lands of the world: Problems and solutions. In : S Puri and PK Khosla (Eds.) Nursery Technology for Agroforestry : Application in Arid and Semiarid Regions. 7-17 pp. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co./Winrock International, USA.
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- Puri S 1990 Mass culturing of trees for afforestation purpose by vegetative means: Environmental and physiological aspects. In : Tropical Forest Ecosystem Conservation and Development S & SE Asia : 206-227.
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- Khosla PK (Editor), Puri S, Sehgal RN and Khurana DK (Assoc. Editors) 1982 Improvement of Forest Biomass. Indian Society of Tree Scientist Publications, Solan, 472 pp.
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- Puri S, Sahoo ML and Singh US 2005 Biodiesel Ka Shrout : Ratanjot. Published by Department of Forestry, IGKV, Raipur 38pp.
- Swamy SL, Puri S, Patel, RK, William AJ, Jaiswal AK and Ganguli J 2000 Aaadhunik Van Nursery: Aayojan Avam Prabandhan (Modern Forest Nursery : Establishment and Management). Published by Department of Forestry, IGKV, Raipur 170 pp.
- Swamy SL, Patel RK, Jaiswal AK, Yadav SB and Puri S 2000 Chhattisgarh Ki Pramukh Beejo Se Tel Pradan Karne Valee Vriksha Prajatiya. Published by Department of Forestry, IGKV, Raipur 48 pp.
- Naugraiya MN and Puri S 1996 Bans : Utpadan Avam Upyog. Published by Department of Forestry, IGKV, Raipur 110 pp.
- Naugraiya MN and Puri S 1996 Neem: Upaj Avam Utpadan. Published by Directorate Extension, IGKV, Raipur 45pp.
- Puri S, Naugraiya MN and Singh LJ 1996 Pramukh Bahooypyogi Vriksho Ki Krishi Vaniki Karyamala. Published by Directorate Extension, IGKV, Raipur 34pp.