Raj Kumar
Associate Professor
PhD (Mechanical Engineering) Shoolini University, Filed 20 patents and reviewed 33 articles
Raj Kumar is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Shoolini University Himachal Pradesh (India). He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from the North Maharashtra University Jalgaon (M.S), India in 2003. In 2011, he obtained his Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology from NITTTR (Panjab University) Chandigarh, India. He earned his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Shoolini University, Himachal Pradesh (India), in 2017. His research concentrated on the Performance Investigation of Solar Air Channel Having Discrete V-Pattern Baffle as Turbulence Promoters on Absorber Plate. He has published over 33 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and 16 conference proceedings. He has filed 20 Patents. His current research interests are heat transfer enhancement, experimental fluid mechanics, and manufacturing.
- Rohit Khargotra, Sushil Kumar, Raj Kumar*, Influence of hindrance promoter on the thermal augmentation factor of solar water heater (an experimental study). Renewable Energy, Volume 163, January 2021, Pages 1356-1369. (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 11.2, Impact Factor, 6.274, ISSN: 0960-1481.
- Rohit Khargotra, Raj Kumar*, Sushil Kumar, Impact of perforated shapes in delta type hindrance promoter on thermo-hydraulic performance of solar water heating system (An experimental study). Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 24 (2021)100831. (ELSEVIER) (Cite score 4.6, IF 4.010), ISSN: 2214-157X.
- Arvind Singhy, Robin Thakur, Raj Kumar*, “Experimental analysis for co-generation of heat and power with convex lens as SOE and linear Fresnel Lens as POE using active water stream. Renewable Energy, Volume 163, January 2021, Pages 740-754. (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 11.2, Impact Factor, 6.274, ISSN: 0960-1481.
- Sorabh Aggarwal, Sushil Kumar, Raj Kumar*, Robin Thakur, “Thermal Augmentation in Evacuated Tube Solar Collectors using Reflectors, Nano fluids, Phase Change Materials and Tilt angle: A Review” Materials Today: Proceedings, (ELSEVIER) Cite Score: 1.3 (2021), ISSN: 2214-7853, Accepted for publication.
- Abhishek Thakur, Pawan Kumar, Sushil Kumar, Raj Kumar, “Review of Developments on Flat Plate Solar Collectors for Heat Transfer Enhancements using Phase Change Materials and Reflectors” Materials Today: Proceedings, (ELSEVIER) Cite Score: 1.3 (2021), ISSN: 2214-7853, Accepted for publication.
- Abhishek Panwar, Raj Kumar*, Robin Thakur, Bhasker Goel, Adit Rana, Abhilash Pathania, and Vivek, Aggarwal “Selection of Optimal Parameters for Reduction of Forging Defect using AHP-TOPSIS Technique”. International Journal on Emerging Technologies, (2020) 11(2): 178-186 (2020). Cite Score: 0.68, ISSN: 0975-8364.
- Rohit Khargotra, Raj kumar*, “Comparative Study of Natural and Forced Circulation of Solar Water Heater: A Review”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 3s, (2020), pp. 2054 – 2077. Cite Score: 0.11, ISSN: 2005-4238.
- A.K. Bhardwaj, Raj Kumar*, Ranchan Chauhan, Sushil Kumar, Experimental investigation and performance evaluation of a novel solar dryer integrated with a combination of SHS and PCM for drying chilli in the Himalayan region. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 20 (2020) 100713. Cite Score: 4.4, ISSN: 24519049.
- Kamal Kashyap, Robin Thakur, Sunil Kumar, Raj Kumar, Identification of Archimedes Screw Turbine for Efficient Conversion of Traditional Water Mills (Gharats) into Micro Hydro-power Stations in Western Himalayan Regions of India: An Experimental Analysis. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol.10, No.3, September 2020. Impact Factor, 3.92, ISSN: 1309-0127.
- Raj Kumar*, Rahul Nadda, Adit Rana, Ranchan Chauhan, S.S. Chandel “Performance investigation of a solar thermal collector provided with air jets impingement on multi V-shaped protrusion ribs absorber plate. Heat Mass Transfer 56, 913–930 (2020), Cite Score, 3.0, Impact Factor, 1.867, ISSN: 0947-7411.
- Nitin Kumar, Anil Kumar, Rajesh Maithani, Robin Thakur, Raj Kumar & Ankit Thakur “Effect of circular inside conical ring obstacles on heat transfer and friction characteristics of round jets impingement solar air rectangular passage. International Journal of Green Energy, Pages 1091-1104. DOI: 10.1080/15435075.2019.1653877. Cite Score, 2.8, Impact Factor, 1.388, ISSN: 15435075,15435083.
- A.K. Bhardwaj, Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan. “Experimental investigation of the performance of a novel solar dryer for drying medicinal plants in Western Himalayan region” Solar Energy 177 (2019) 395–407, Cite Score, 8.1, Impact Factor, 4.744, ISSN: 0038-092X.
- A.K. Bhardwaj, Anil Kumar, Rajesh Maithani, Raj Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan. “Experimental study on heat transfer and fluid flow enhancement of a spherical shape obstacle solar air passage” Thermal Science, International Science Journal, Year 2019, Vol. 23, No. 2A, pp. 751-761, Cite Score, 2.5, Impact Factor, 1.574, ISSN:0354-9836.
- Pawan Kumar Mishra, Rahul Nadda, Raj Kumar*, Adit Rana, Muneesh Sethi, Adam Ekileski, “Optimization of multiple arcs protrusion obstacle parameters using AHP-TOPSIS approach in an impingement jet solar air passage. Heat Mass Transfer, 54, pages3797–3808(2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-018-2405-4 (SPRINGER) Cite Score, 3.0, Impact Factor, 1.867. ISSN: 0947-7411.
- Rahul Nadda, Raj Kumar, Anil Kumar, Rajesh Maithani, “Optimization of single arc protrusion ribs parameters in solar air heater with impinging air jets based upon PSI approach. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 7 (2018) 146–154 (ELSEVIER) Cite score, 4.4, ISSN: 24519049.
- Rahul Nadda, Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Tej Singh. “Experimental investigation and optimization of Tungsten carbide composite alloys by hybrid Taguchi AHP-TOPSIS approach. Alexandria Engineering Journal, Volume 57, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 3419-3428 ELSEVIER (Accepted for publication Cite Score, 6.5, Impact Factor, 2.46, ISSN: 1110-0168.
- Rohit Khargotra, Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan “Comparative analysis and thermal performance evaluation of heat enhancer in solar water flat plate collector. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001 Vol. 8, Special Issue 6, Oct 2018, 791-794, Cite Score: 0.7,
- Nitin Kumar, Anil Kumar, Robin Thakur, Ankit Thakur and Raj Kumar “A comparative study of hydrodynamic and Thermal performance of different air jets Impingement solar air collector” JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 15 (2018), 829-845 Cite Score: 0.5, Impact Factor, 0.30, ISSN: 09735763.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi, Anil Kumar. “Experimental investigation on overall thermal performance of fluid flow in a rectangular channel with discrete V-pattern baffle, Thermal Science, 22; 2018: 183-191) Cite Score, 2.5, Impact Factor, 1.574, ISSN:0354-9836.
- Raj Kumar, Anil Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Rajesh Maithani. “Comparative study of effect of various blockage arrangements on thermal hydraulic performance in a roughened air passage” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81; 2018:447–463 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 25.5, Impact Factor, 12.110, ISSN: 1364-0321.
- Ranchan Chauhan, N.S. Thakur, Nitin Kumar, Raj Kumar, Tej Singh, Anil Kumar. “Heat transfer augmentation in solar thermal collectors using impinging air jets: a comprehensive review” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82; 2018:3179-3190 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 25.5, Impact Factor, 12.110, ISSN: 1364-0321.
- Raj Kumar, Muneesh Sethi, Ranchan Chauhan, Anil Kumar. “Experimental study of enhancement of heat transfer and pressure drop in a solar air channel with discretized broken V-pattern baffle.” Renewable Energy, 101; 2017:856-872 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 11.2, Impact Factor, 6.274, ISSN: 0960-1481.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi, Anil Kumar. “Experimental study and correlation development for Nusselt number and friction factor for discretized broken V-pattern baffle solar air channel” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81; 2017:56-75 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 6.9, Impact Factor, 3.444, ISSN: 0894-1777.
- Raj Kumar, Anil Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “Heat transfer enhancement in a solar air channel with broken multiple V-type baffle” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 8; 2017:187-197 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 4.6, Impact Factor, 4.010, ISSN: 2214-157X.
- Raj Kumar, Anil Kumar, Ashutosh Sharma, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “Experimental Study of heat transfer enhancement in a rectangular duct distributed by multi-V-perforated baffle of different relative baffle width” Heat Mass Transfer, 53; 2017:1289-1304 (SPRINGER) Cite Score, 3.0, Impact Factor, 1.867. ISSN: 0947-7411.
- Anil Kumar, Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi, Anita Kumari, Narinder Verma, Rahul Nadda. “Single phase thermal and hydraulic performance analysis of a V-pattern dimpled obstacles air passage. Experimental Heat Transfer, 39; 2017:339-426 Taylor and Francis’s, Cite Score, 3.90, Impact Factor, 2.330, ISSN: 15210480,08916152.
- Ashutosh Sharma, Ranchan Chauhan, Tej Singh, Anil Kumar, Raj Kumar, Anil Kumar, Muneesh Sethi, “Optimizing discrete V obstacle parameters using a novel Entropy-VIKOR approach in a solar air channel. Renewable Energy, 106; 2017:310-320 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 11.2, Impact Factor, 6.274, ISSN: 0960-1481.
- Anil Kumar, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Maithani, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi, Anita Kumari, Sushil Kumar, Sunil Kumar. “Correlation development for Nusselt number and friction factor of a multiple type V-pattern dimpled obstacles solar air passage” Renewable Energy 109 (2017) 461-479 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score,11.2, Impact Factor, 6.274, ISSN: 0960-1481.
- Anil Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Raj Kumar, Tej Singh, Muneesh Sethi, Anil Kumar, Ashutosh Sharma. “Developing heat transfer and pressure loss in an air passage with multi discrete V-blockages” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 84 (2017) 266 –278 (ELSEVIER) Cite Score, 6.9, Impact Factor, 3.444, ISSN: 0894-1777.
- Anil Kumar, Raj Kumar, Rajesh Maithani, Ranchan Chauhan, Sushil Kumar, Rahul Nadda. “An experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in an air channel with broken multi type V-baffles”, Heat Mass Transfer, 53, 2017: 3593–3612 (SPRINGER) Cite Score, 3.0, Impact Factor, 1.867, ISSN: 0947-7411.
- A.K. Bhardwaj, Raj Kumar*, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “Experimental investigation of an indirect solar dryer integrated with phase change material for drying valeriana jatamansi (medicinal herb). Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10 (2017) 302–314 ELSEVIER Cite Score, 4.6, Impact Factor, 4.010, ISSN: 2214-157X.
- Rahul Nadda, Anil Kumar, Rajesh Maithani, Raj Kumar, “Investigation of thermal and hydrodynamic performance of impingement jets solar air passage with protrusion with combination arc obstacle on the heated plate” Experimental Heat Transfer. 2017; 232-250 (Taylor & Francis) Cite Score, 3.90, Impact Factor, 2.330, ISSN: 15210480,08916152.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi, Ashutosh Sharma, Anil Kumar. “Experimental Investigation of effect of flow attack angle on thermohydraulic performance of air flow in a rectangular channel with discrete V-pattern baffle on the heated plate” Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(5); 2016:1-12) Cite Score, 2.1, Impact Factor, 1.161, ISSN: 16878140.
CONFERENCES: (National / International)
- Raj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Muneesh Sethi, “Evaluation of Thermo-Hydraulic Performance and Correlation Development of a Solar Air Collector using Delta Winglets Absorber (A Comprehensive Review)” in the International Conference on “Advances in Engineering Science & Technology 2020” organized by UIT, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun on 23rd and 24th July 2020.
- Raj Kumar Verma, Raj Kumar, Muneesh Sethi, “Use of Distinct Parts of Moringa Oleifera in Domestic Wastewater Treatment (An Analogous Study)”. International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO) Amity University, Noida, India. June 4-5, 2020.
- Aman deep, Raj Kumar, Rahul Nadda. “Electrical Discharge Machining of Tungsten Carbide Composite Alloy: Experimental and Numerical Simulation by Taguchi Method” 3rd International Conference on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM-2017), Mahratta Chamber of Commerce Industries & Agriculture, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India 5th November 2017.
- Yaswant Singh, Anil Kumar, Rahul Nadda, Rajesh Maithani, Raj Kumar, Sunil Kumar. “Heat Transfer Augmentation of Nanofluid flow in Ribbed Ducts: A Review” International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and development (IJMPERD), IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498 Vol.7, No.5, Sep-Oct 2017.
- Aman deep, Raj Kumar, “Parametric Study and Optimization Along with Selection of Optimal Solution in Die Sinking Electrical Discharge Machining of Tungsten Carbide with Taguchi Hybrid Approach; A Review. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Institute for Technical and Academic research, 21 May 2017.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “A Review on Solar Air Heater Using Dimples and Protrusions in an Air Flow Passage”. National Conference on Recent advances in Engineering and Technology (NCRAET-2017). April 8, 2017, held at Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, India.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “Analysis of Solar Collector using Second Law of Thermodynamic”. National Conference on Recent advances in Engineering and Technology (NCRAET-2017). April 8, 2017, held at Maharaja Agrasen University, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, India.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “Effect of relative roughness pitch and relative roughness height on Nusselt number in solar air heater” International Conference on Emerging Trends in Basic & Applied Sciences May 1-2, 2015, Maharaja Agrasen University Baddi, H.P., India.
- Raj Kumar, Ranchan Chauhan, Muneesh Sethi. “Thermal analysis and recent developments in artificially roughened solar air Heater” 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Physiscs” ITMAEAP 2014 Krishi Sanskriti 23rd and 24th August, 2014 Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- Raj Kumar, Viswamohan Pedagopu, Anil Kumar, Robin Thakur, Anil Pundir. “CFD Base analysis of heat transfer and friction characterstics of multiple rib roughness solar air heater duct” International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and development (IJMPERD), 3(5); 2013:165-172.
- Raj Kumar, Mehar Chand, Ashok Kumar. “ISO 9000 – An effective quality management tool: A case study of shivalik bimetal controls ltd., Solan.” National Conference on Precision Manufacturing (26-27 March, 2010) Department of Mechanical engineering Sant Longwal Institute of |Engineering and Technology (PB), India.
- Ashok Kumar, Raj Kumar, Mehar Chand. “Critical Issues and Successive Factors for implementation of ERP systems” National Conference on New Initiatives in Entrepreneurship and Industry – Institute Interface, 16-17, September 2009, NITTTR Sector 26, Chandigarh (PB).
- Ashok Kumar, Raj Kumar, Mehar Chand. “General Approaches to Measure Supply Chain Performance” National Conference on Lean Manufacturing Implementations (LEMAN’2009) on September 11-12, G.H.E.C Kumarhatti, Solan (HP).
- Raj Kumar, PS Rao, Sunil Jassal. “Sources of Entrepreneurial Opportunities” National Conference on Advances on Frontiers of Entrepreneurship, 17-19, November 2008, NITTTR Sector 26, Chandigarh (PB).
- Raj Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, P.S Rao. “Kanban and Conwip – A Comparison” National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering NCME-2008 (November 14-15, 2008), Thapar University.
- S.S. Dhami, Sanjay Kumar, Raj Kumar. “Hard Turning - A Recent Trend in Manufacturing” National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, 7th March 2008, NITTTR Sector 26, Chandigarh (PB).
S.No. |
Title of the patent |
1. |
Product Based Temperature Control System for Solar Dryer to Prevent Overheating and Improve competence. |
2. |
Automatic Rain Water Harvesting Tank for Domestic Applications |
3. |
An Indirect Solar Dryer System and Uses Thereof |
4. |
Sealing System of Banjo Beam During Air Leak Operation |
5. |
Anti-Drug Band |
6. |
A Wireless Vibration Detection Unit and Uses Thereof |
7. |
A Method for Slow Capsule Desiccant Profile for Re-Entry and Trajectory Tracing |
8. |
Smart Engine Immobilise Control System Against Unlicensed and Without Helmet Riders of Two Wheelers |
9. |
A System for Automobile Cooling/ Heating Using Air Multiplier Techniques |
10. |
A Single Platform Multi-Temperature Solar Powered Orbital Shaker Incubator for Growing Microorganisms |
11. |
Sullage Water Treatment Plant and The Method of Use Thereof |
12. |
A System for Automobile Cooling/ Heating Using Air Multiplier |
13. |
A Single Platform Multi-Temperature Solar Powered Orbital Shaker Incubator for Growing Microorganisms at Different Temperature and Method of Use Thereof |
14. |
Solar power assisted distillation plant and method of use thereof. |
15. |
Fruit Grading Machine |
16. |
Screw Gun |
17. |
Tube Squeezer |
18. |
Nail Holding Hammer |
19. |
Nut Cutter |
20. |
Nano-Fluid Spectral-Beam Photovoltaic Thermal Equipment |