Renu Pal Sood
Associate Professor
BA. (Indl Relations and personnel Management), MDBA(Human Resource Mgt), LLB, LLM, UGC NET, Phd( law)
Dr. Renu Pal Sood is currently serving as an Associate Professor in the School of Law, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Shoolini University, Solan (HP) India, where she teaches and does research in Criminal law, Fundamental perspectives of law and Comparative Jurisprudence. She has qualified NET (2012) and received Ph.D. (2017) in Law from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (HP) India. She holds ten years of teaching experience and her academic contributions include several research papers in National and International Journals, Conferences and Seminars, book chapters and also authored a book. She can be reached at renupalsood@shooliniuniversity.com
Peer Reviewed Journal:
- Sood, R. P. (2016) ‘Manual Scavenging: Dignity Soiled’ published in Referred Journal titled Civil and Military Law Journal, January-March Vol 52, Number 1,2016.
- Sood, R. P. (2016) ‘Human Rights of People living with HIV/AIDS in India: International Perspective’published in peer revieved Journal titled International Journal of Legal Research 3, Issue 1, September2016 .
- Sood, R. P. (2016) ‘ HIV/AIDS in India: Judicial Perspective’ published in peer reviewed Journal Legal Mirror, Vol 2, Issue 1, September-2016.
- Sood, R. P. (2017) ‘Natural law and its influence on Indian Legal System’ published in peer reviewed Journal titled , Vol 2, Issue 2, Jan 2017.
- Sood, R. P. (2017) ‘Right to life with dignity in the context of people living with HIV/AIDS in India published in Peer reviewed journal titled International Journal for research in Law, Vol 2, Issue 2, Jan 2017.
- Sood, R. P.(2018) ‘Rights of people living with HIV/AIDS in India in the light of the Human Immunodeficiency virus ana Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Prevention and Control) Act 2017’ published in Peer reviewed Journal titled International Journal of Research and Analytical reviews, Vol 5, Issue4, Oct-Dec 2018.
- Book titled Women safety and security: issues and challenges, edited by Dr. Mamta Mokta, (2015), Mohindra Publishing House, Chandigarh, Chapter name ‘Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace (Prevention And Prohibition And Redressal) Act,2013: Critical Appraisal’
- Book titled New Dimensions of Democracy: RTI and Free Press (2016), Chapter titled ‘Section 124A, Indian Penal Code, An excessive bar to freedom of speech: An analysis.
- Sood, R.P. (2017) , Rights of HIV/AIDS Patients in India, published by University Book House pvt. ltd., India.