Nandan Sharma
Founded Law School at IEC University, Alumnus HP University, 15 Years of Expertise
Nandan Sharma is a Professor at the School of Law. With over 15 years of experience in academia, Sharma is a driving force behind the Law School at Shoolini, leading initiatives to transform traditional teaching methodologies, implement skills-based curricula, and establish one of the country's most dynamic Law Schools.
Prof Sharma commenced his career with leading Law Schools in Himachal, starting at the LR Institute of Legal Studies. He then founded and established the Law school at IEC University, followed by a role at Maharaja Agrasen University, where he focused on developing professional skills in students through moots, conferences, seminars, and other activities.
As an active participant in the academic community, Prof Sharma has presented his research at various national and international forums and attended numerous workshops and seminars. He has published two books and more than 20 research papers in reputed journals. His commitment to sharing knowledge is reflected in the pedagogy at Shoolini University, where students benefit from innovative learning techniques.
Prof Sharma is a member of various nonprofit NGOs, and Law Forums, and serves as a resource person at various National/International Seminars. He holds the position of National Secretary at the Law and Social Justice Unit of the National Youth Council of India. His teaching portfolio includes Laws related to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and the Banking sector.
An alumnus of HP University, Shimla Hills, Himachal, Prof Sharma brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as a Professor in the School of Law at Shoolini University.
- Nandan Sharma, Legal Provisions of Patenting in India. Published in an International Journal, “Global Journal for Research Analysis,” Vol. 5, Issue 9, Sept. 2016, ISSN No.2277 8160.
- Nandan Sharma, Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2016: An Overview. Published in Refereed International Journal, “Changing Dimensions of Legal Horizons,” Issue 4, November 2016 ISSN 2395- 7506, Maharaja Agrasen University.
- Nandan Sharma, Genesis of Patent: An Insight Of Intellectual Property Rights Theories, Published in, “Legal Research Development,” An International Refereed E- Journal, Vol. I, Issue III, March, 2017, ISSN: 2456-3870
- Nandan Sharma, Jurisprudence behind Patent Laws and Economic Development, Published in edited book titled, “Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Concerns,” edited by Prof. (Dr.) Samiya Tabasum, Director, School of Law, MAU, Solan, HP, 2016, ISBN No. 978-93-85000-99-7, Bharti Publications, New Delhi.
- Nandan Sharma, Impact of Industrial Pollution on BBN area of Himachal Pradesh: A case study of BBNIA, Published in, Refereed International Journal, “International Journal of Socio- legal Analysis and Rural Development, Volume 3, Issue 2, May, 2017, ISSN: 2455 4049.
- Nandan Sharma, Cyber Terrorism: A New Challenge, Published in Referred International Journal, “Kaav International Journal of Law, Finance and Industrial Relations, KIJLFIR/ January – June 2017/Vol. 4/ISS – 1/A-11/Pg. No. 68-72/ ISSN – 2349- 2589/Impact Factor (2017) – 5.877
- Nandan Sharma, Pharmaceutical Industry Under The Trips Patent Regime, Published in Indian Scholar, An International Multidisciplinary Research e-Journal , Vol. 3 Issue IV , June 2017, ISSN 2350-109X, Impact Factor 5.768 (ICIJIF)
- Nandan Sharma, A to Z on TRIPS: An Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Published in Legal Desire International Journal on Law, Issue XV, Jan. - March 2018, ISSN 2347- 3525.
- Dr. Nandan Sharma and Ms. Priyanka Sharma, “Reflections on Jeremy Bentham’s Philosophy in Modern Times”, , published in International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM), Volume- I, Issue- I, p.p – 591-597 ISSN: 2395-5252.
- Dr. Nandan Sharma, Ms. Poonam Pant, Ms. Bhumika Sharma, Sexual Harassment at Workplace vis a vis Recent Developments of International Labour Organizations, published in International Journal of Law and Politics Studies (IJLPS), Volume 2, No. 1, (2020), ISSN No. 2709-0914.
- Dr. Nandan Sharma, “Expanding Dimensions of Data Protection, published in ERPA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), Volume V, Issue IX, Sept. 2020, ISSN: 2455-7838.
Book Chapters:
- Pharmaceutical Industry and the Indian Patent Regime, published in an edited book titled as, Intellectual Property Rights, by Prof. Vimlendu Tayal, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Bikaner, Rajasthan, in 2018, ISBN: 978-81-8198-484-5, University Book House Pvt. Lt. Jaipur.
- Ambush Marketing: Is it Really Unethical? ,Aafreen Collaco and Nandan Sharma, Published in an edited book titled as, “Intellectual Property Rights and their implementations by Dr. Raj Kumar, Head , Department of Law, Jaganath University, ISBN: 978-93-820720-89, Published by Jagan Nath University, p.p 209-220
- Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech and Expression: A Critical evaluation through Judicial Interpretation, and Introduction to Section III titled, Hate Speech and Sedition, Published in Book titled as, “Freedom of Speech and Expression: Issues and Challenges” edited by Dr. Sanyogita Thakur, 2016, ISBN No. 978-93-85000-74-4, Bharti Publications, New Delhi
- Introduction to Section II, Good Governance, for book titled as, “Human Rights and Good Governance,” edited by, Dr. Sanyogita Thakur, (HP), ISBN 978-93-85000-71-3, Bharti Publications, New Delhi.
- Role play of Patents in the Future of Indian Pharmaceuticals in relation to the Growth of Generics, Published in edited book tilted, “Multidisciplinary Legal Research: A Collaborative Analysis & Synthesis,” edited by Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Dari, Dr. Prageetha G Raju and R. Radhakrishnan, SLS Hyderabad, 2016, ISBN 978-93-85989-94-0, Asia Law House.
- Right to Privacy is Fundamental: Judicial Activism by the Supreme Court, published in edited Book titled as, Balancing the three wings of the State towards India’s Development, by Law Commission of India and Niti Aayog, New Delhi, November 2017.
- Authored 1st Edition of “Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights” published by Shree Lam House ISBN NO. 978-93-85618 -85-7 in March,2020.
- Edited 1st Edition of “Women Empowerment: Status and Perspectives” published by Shree Lam House ISBN NO. 978-93-85618-99-4 in November,2020.
- Edited Volume 3 Issue 1 of “Precedent” published by Jus Dicere & Co. ISBN NO. 978-93-5382-271-2 in June,2019.