Kesari Singh
PhD Economics (HPU). Awarded Poverty-cum-Brilliance Scholarship, Merit Scholarship and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
An expert in Environmental Economics, Prof Kesari Singh teaches students of UG, PG and doctoral programs. Her areas of research are environmental economics and natural resource management. She did her PhD in economics from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla in 2008.
A state topper and university rank holder at Postgraduation and Graduation levels, she was awarded various scholarships and fellowships, including the Poverty-cum-Brilliance Scholarship, Merit Scholarship, and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
She has worked on various UNDP and World Bank-funded projects with the State and Central Governments. She also served the Planning Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh during 2004-05 & 2006-07 and worked on UNDP funded projects viz. “Pattern and Context of Rural Livelihood in Himachal Pradesh” and “Strengthening of State Plans for Human Development”. Also worked with Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) during 2008-2010 where she was engaged in ICAR & National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) & worked on “Value Chain on Potato and Potato Products”.
She has been guiding PhD scholars in different domains of management and economics research.
Prof Kesari Singh is a member of The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) – Boston Massachusetts, USA; The Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE), Delhi, India; World Economic Association, United Kingdom; and the Society of Economics and Development, India.
- Thapa, A., & Singh, K. (2023). NTFP Contribution in Livelihood of Rural Area of Western Himalayan Region of Himachal Pradesh, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1269 (2023) 012016, ISCES-2023, IOP Publishing.
- William, A-A. & Singh, K. (2023). The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) on Non-Financial Organisational Performance: Perspective of Multinational Companies in Ghana, Political Science International.
- Thapa, A., & Singh, K. (2023). Livelihood and Socio-Economic Challenges in Medicinal and Non-Timber Forest Product Management in India: A Review, Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 50(9).
- Khosla, A., & Singh, K. (2023). Technology integration in education for last-mile delivery. FICCI EDUWRAP, FICCI.
- William, A., & Singh, K. (2023). The assessment of e-HRM tools and its impact on HRM system effectiveness and organizational effectiveness: An empirical study of selected multinational companies in Ghana. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 89(5), e12057.
- Singh, K. (2022). Increasing pressure on forest resources and its consequences in India: A review. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 13(1), 1-12.
- Chauhan, P., Sriniwas, R., & Singh, K. (2022). Green growth strategies for sustainable development. In Proceedings of Yogananda International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences-2021 (pp. 178-188).
- Singh, K., & Appiah, W. A. (2021). Contributions of higher education institutions in achieving gender equality. University News, A Weekly Journal of Higher Education, Association of Indian Universities, 59(47), 3-10.
- Singh, K. (2021). What does sustainable development mean to rural women? In International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Perspective (pp. 55-59).
- Thapa, A., & Singh, K. (2021). Women’s role in non-timber forest product management: A review. In Proceedings of Role of Women in Nation Development (pp. 124-131). ISBN- 978-81-948050-4-5.
- Vashisht, R., & Singh, K. (2020). Emotional intelligence as a predictor of occupational stress and job satisfaction of doctors. Annals of Agri-Bio Research, 25(2), 290-294.
- Vashisht, R., & Singh, K. (2020). Emotional intelligence and conflict management style of doctors. Annals of Biology, 36(3), 483-488.
- Singh, K., & Appiah, W. A. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on foreign direct investment and foreign institutional investment. In International Web Conference on Pandemic Effect and Global Economy: Unseen Challenges & Opportunities Post Covid-19 Diagnosis (pp. 236-241).
- Appiah, W. A., & Singh, K. (2020). COVID-19 and the changed work-life balance scenario for the working women- A literature review. In International Web Conference on Pandemic Effect and Global Economy: Unseen Challenges & Opportunities Post Covid-19 Diagnosis (pp. 244-250).
- Singh, K. (2019). Fuelwood consumption in mountain regions- A challenge in 2030 agenda of sustainable development goals. In International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Opportunities & Challenges in 2030 Agenda (pp. 88-92).
- Singh, K., & Gupta, N. (2020). Financial inclusion in India- A review. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 16(2), 278-284.
- Vashisht, R., Singh, K., & Sharma, S. (2018). Emotional intelligence and its relationship with conflict management and occupational stress: A meta-analysis. Pacific Business Review International, 11(4), 30-38.
- Singh, K., & Negi, A. (2017). Valuation of forest resources in India- approaches and evidences. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(2), 46-61.
- Gupta, N., & Kesari (2017). Comparative study on financial inclusion of public and private sector banks- a case study of North Eastern Region. In National Conference on Management, Economics & Social Sciences (NCMESS 2017) (pp. 14-15).
- Singh, K. (2016). Gender perspective in forest management. In Proceedings of National Conference on Forestry in India: Management, Genetics, Biodiversity and Climate Change Perspectives (pp. 15-20). HFRI, Shimla: Kanchi Publications.
- Singh, K. (2016). Valuation of direct consumptive benefits of forests of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Development Research (IJDR), 6(10), 9858-9864.
- Singh, K. & Gupta N. (2016). Customer's perception and satisfaction towards services of public & private sector banks. International Journal of Management (IJM), 7(6), 77-88.
- Gupta, N., & Kesari, A. (2016). A Study on Non Performing Assets of Public and Private Sector Banks in India. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, 4(9), 174-180.
- Gupta, N., Kesari, & Y.S. Negi (2016). Comparative study on customer satisfaction of public and private sector banks- a case study of Shimla town in Himachal Pradesh. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 4(II), 60-70.
- Singh, K., & R. Kumar (2015). Financial viability and performance evaluation of districts central cooperative banks (DCCBs) in Haryana: A comparative analysis. Apex Research Journal of Information Technology & Management, III, 52-60.
- Singh, K., & Kumar, R. (2014). Perception of beneficiaries (agriculturists) with regard to district central cooperative banking in Haryana. Sui Generis- An International Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, III, 312-320.
- Kesari, N. Verma, & Y.S. Negi (2015). Sustainable socio-economic development in Himalayan region: A Shoolini University initiative. In Scientific Poster Competition in Convocation, 15th December 2015, Shoolini University, Solan.
- Kesari, & A. Negi (2014). Role of forest valuation in conservation and management of forest biodiversity. In World Biodiversity Congress, from 24-27th November 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Kesari, & R. Rana (2008). Potato revolution in Gujarat: Lessons for other states. In Global Potato Conference, from 9-11 December 2008, New Delhi.
- Kesari (2008). Value chain on potato & potato products- a baseline survey report. CPRI Campus Modipuram, Meerut, U.P.