Gagan Mehta
Assistant Professor
PhD (Agricultural Economics) Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni
Gagan Mehta is an Assistant Professor at the MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, specializing in teaching and research in Agricultural Economics. He completed both his MSc and Doctorate in Agricultural Economics from Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni.
With an active engagement in the academic community, Gagan has participated in numerous national and international seminars, conferences, symposiums, and training sessions. His scholarly contributions include publishing about 7 research papers in various esteemed national and international journals.
Currently, Gagan's research focuses on livelihood vulnerability, livelihood diversification, crop diversification, livelihood assets, and agricultural marketing. Through his work, he aims to address critical issues in agricultural economics and contribute to sustainable livelihoods and agricultural development.
- Shibani, Mehta G and Samriti. (2023). Determinants of Crop Diversification: A Case Study of Farm Households in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(4),847-854. http://dx.doi.org/10.35716/IJED-23326
- Shibani, Mehta G and Samriti. (2023). Determinants of Crop Diversification: A Case Study of Farm Households in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 19(4),847-854. http://dx.doi.org/10.35716/IJED-23326
- Mehta G, Vaidya M.K and Sharma P. (2022). Impact of Institutional Development Programmes on Rural Livelihoods of North-Western Himalayan State, India. Indian Journal of Ecology, 50(4): 1104-1109. https://doi.org/10.55362/IJE/2023/4020
- Mehta G, Vaidya M.K and Sharma P. (2022). Constraints to Livelihood Diversification among Rural Households in Himachal Pradesh. Agro Economist - An International Journal, 9(04), 279-285. https://doi.org/10.30954/2394-8159.04.2022.7
- Mehta G, Prasher R.S, Guleria A and Devi N. (2019). Determinants of Livelihood Diversification: A Case Study of Tribal Households in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Ecology. 49(1),272-275 https://doi.org/10.55362/IJE/2022/3516
- Mehta G, Barwal P and Sharma S. (2022). Impact of government development programmes on the livelihood of scheduled tribes: a study of Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Farm Sciences, 12(3), 71-73. https://doi.org/10.5958/2250-0499.2022.00076.3
- Mehta G, Barwal P and Sharma S. (2022). Profitability analysis of mango cultivation in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Farm Sciences, 12(3), 74-77. https://doi.org/10.5958/2250-0499.2022.00077.5
- Thakur K, Kumar R, Kayastha R, Brar P.S, Mehta G and Prashar D. (2023). Productivity, nutrients uptake and profitability of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) as influenced by application of nitrogen and Sulphur in Mid-hills of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Research in Agronomy, 7(1),263-269. https://doi.org/10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i1d.226
- Sharma P and Mehta G. 2020. Solar Irrigation System. Just Agriculture. 1(5):223-227
Conferences and Workshops:
- Successfully completed Workshop on Data Analysis Using SPSS for Social Sciences w.e.f. June 06, 2022 to June 14, 2022.
- Participated in 15 Days International Online Training on “Advances in Agripreneurship and Skill development for Reshaping the future of Indian Agriculture” during 1st-15th August, 2021.
- Attended 7 day’s Faculty Development Programme on Research methodology, Bibliometric Analysis and Data Analysis using R in online mode from 22nd to 28th July,2023.
- Participated in National Conference on “India’s Challenge- Contemporary Farming to Smart Farming” (ICCFSF-2021) and presented poster on topic entitled- Livelihood Vulnerability Index and it’s significance in present scenario. The poster received Best Poster presentation award in the conference. Abstract of the same was also published in the conference proceedings.
- Attended 4th International Conference On “Current Approaches in Agricultural, Animal Husbandry for Successful Enterpreneurship” (CAAAHASSE-2021) and presented oral presentation on topic entitled- Review on Pattern and Determinants of livelihood diversification in the developing countries. Abstract of the same was also published in the conference proceedings.
- Attended 4th International Conference On “Global Approaches in Natural Resource Management for Climate Smart Agriculture (GNRSA-2020) and gave oral presentation on topic related to M.Sc work, entitled- Sustainable livelihood framework analysis in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. Abstract of the same was also published in the conference proceedings.
- Attended International Conference On “International Conference on Advances in Agriculture & Food System towards Sustainable Development Goals (AAFS-2022) and presented poster on topic entitled-Methodological Issues in the Assessment of Sustainable Livelihood Framework. Abstract of the same was also published in the conference proceedings.
- Life member of “International journal of farm Sciences (SADHNA)”
Contact details:
Email-id:- gaganmehta@shooliniuniversity.com
Orcid id:- 0000-0003-0477-7848