Brij Bhushan Sharma
Assistant Professor
PhD (Smart Agriculture, Internet of Things) Shoolini University, MATLAB In-charge
Brij Bhushan Sharma is an Assistant Professor at the Yoganada School of AI, Computer and Data Sciences at Shoolini University. He received his M Tech (2015) in Electronics and Communication and is pursuing his PhD in Smart Agriculture (Internet of Things) from Shoolini University, Solan.
He is the in charge of MATLAB. With eight years of teaching experience, his academic contributions include several International scientific papers, reviews, book reviews, book chapters, Springer Nature, IEEE as well as conference papers, popular science articles,
Brij Bhushan Sharma is engaged in research to develop an IoT-based Indirect Solar Dryer to reduce the post-harvest losses of temperate fruits and vegetables and to develop a digital system to check the soil fertility level based on Munsell Color Chart using artificial intelligence.
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Harshit Bhatt, Sharma, Brijbhushan* & Kumar, Nagesh. (2019). IOT: the Current Scenario and Role of Sensors Involved in Smart Agriculture. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019. 12011-12023.
- Mohammad Wasi Rasooli, Brij Bhushan*, Nagesh Kumar. (2020). Applicability Of Wireless Sensor Networks & Iot In Saffron & Wheat Crops: A Smart Agriculture Perspective. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2456-2461. ISSN 2277-8616
- R. Saboori, B. B. Sharma, N. Kumar, and G. Gupta. (2020) IoT-Based Healthcare Support Services for Arrhythmia: A Review. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology. Page No: 1035, vol. XII, no. IV, pp. 1035-1039, 2020.
- Brij Bhushan* and Nagesh Kumar. (2021). IoT-Based Intelligent Irrigation System for Paddy Crop Using Internet-Controlled Water Pump. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), IGI Global, Vol. 12, Issue 1, 2021.
Book Chapters:
- Kumar N., Sharma B. (2020) Opportunities and Challenges with WSN’s in Smart Technologies: A Smart Agriculture Perspective. In: Singh P., Bhargava B., Paprzycki M., Kaushal N., Hong WC. (eds) Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario's. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1132, pp. 441-463. Springer, Cham ISBN 978-3-030-40305-8. ISSN 2194-5357
- Kashyap, S., Sharma, B., Kumar N., Vaidya P., Gupta G. (2021). Role of IoT in Healthcare : An Overview. In: Mobile Health: Advances in Research and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA.
- Vaidya P,. Sharma, B. (2021). Wearable Devices: Pro’s and Con’s. In: Mobile Health: Advances in Research and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA.
- Bhatt H., Sharma, B B*., Sharma R., Sharma M., Sharma A,. (2021). An IoT based soil properties monitoring system for crop growth and production in: Privacy and Security Challenges in Location Aware Computing IGI Global.
Conference Papers
- Sharma B.B., Kumar N. (2020) Internet of Things-Based Hardware and Software for Smart Agriculture: A Review. In: Singh P., Kar A., Singh Y., Kolekar M., Tanwar S. (eds) Proceedings of ICRIC 2019. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 597. Springer, Cham, ISBN: 978-3-030-29406-9 EISBN 978-3-030-29407-6 ISSN: 1876-1100.
- Rani D., Kumar N., Sharma B.B. (2019) Implementation of an Automated Irrigation System for Agriculture Monitoring using IoT Communication in 5th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC 2k19).
- Salehi, A.W., Baglat, P., Sharma, B.B., Gupta, G., Upadhya, A. (2020) A CNN Model: Earlier Diagnosis and Classification of Alzheimer Disease using MRI. in Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication, ICOSEC 2020 September 2020, Article number 9215402, Pages 156-161
- Sharma, B.B., Vaidya P., Kumar N., Chen, C.C., Sharma, R., Dwivedi, R.P., Gupta, G. Arduino Based LPG leakage Detection and Preventing System. In proceedings of 8th International Conference on Computing Sustainable Global Development IndiaCom IEEE 2021
Published Book on “Handbook of Microprocessor” Saliha Book Publications Tamil Nadu ISBN : 978-81-946014-8-7 in 2020.
- Automatic AC Mains Cut Off System on LPG Gas Leakage Using ARDUINO (Application Published).
- A system for drunken driver detection and indication in vehicles and methods thereof.
- Smoke and Temperature Sensor Based AC/DC Exhaust Fan and Kitchen Chimney Control Using Arduino.
- Automatic AC Mains cut off system on LPG Gas Leakage using Arduino with SMS alert to the users.
- Power Supply for Computer Desktop CPU with backup file number 201811022930.
- Portable, Hygienic and Efficient Raw Milk Dispensing.
- Infra-Red Sensor based Platform Light System.
- Anti-Theft and Vehicle Identification System.
- Development of Fully Automatic Indirect Solar Dryer.
- Smart LPG Gas Stove. (Design Patent)
- Automatic Gas Stove LPG Cut Off system using Arduino.
- Screw Type Sun Tracking System. (Design Patent)
- Arm Type Sun Tracking System. (Design Patent)
- Portable Laminar Airflow Cabinet cum Incubator (Design Patent) (Granted)
- A portable laminar airflow cabinet cum incubator.
- Vehicle Weight Detection and Overloading Control System.
- A portable and cost-effective device for real time monitoring of biological macro molecules (Design Patent) (Granted)