Bhagyashree Bhatt
Assistant Professor
Recipient Best PhD Thesis Award by Association of Plant Science Researchers (APSR), Alumna Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar
Bhagyashree Bhatt is an Assistant Professor in MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture. She did her BSc. in Agriculture, MSc. and PhD. in Plant Pathology from College of Agriculture, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. She is actively engaged in teaching courses of UG and PG of Plant Pathology and has participated in many International and National conferences, seminars, symposiums and trainings. She has been honored with Student Excellence Award by GBPUA&T, University Pantnagar (2023) and Best Ph.D. Thesis Award by Association of Plant Science Researchers (APSR) (2023). She has published several research papers in various International and National repute journals.
- Bhatt, B., Kumar, P. and Bisht, K.S.2019. In vitro studies on various factors affecting growth of Exserohilum turcicum, causing Northern Leaf Blight of Maize. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(4) :2920-2923
- Bhatt, B. and Kumar, P. 2019. Bioefficacy of fungicides, plant extracts and essential oils against Exserohilum turcicum(Pass.)Leonard and Suggs causing Northern leaf blight of maize. Journal of Applied and Natural Science,11(2): 257-262
- Bhatt, B. and Sharma,G. 2020. Metalaxyl resistance in Phytophthora infestans: An overview. International Journal of Chemical Studies,8(4): 3047-3054
- Bhatt, B. and Sharma,G. 2021. Pathogenic potential of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates collected from different hosts to cause White Mold of tomato, The Pharma Innovation,10(12): 546-549
- Kausar, H., Bhatt, B. and Sharma,G. 2022. Distribution and morphological characterisation of isolates of Fusarium moniliforme fsp. subglutinans causing Pokkah Boeng disease of Sugarcane in different sugarcane growing areas of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand,Pantnagar Journal Of Research,19(3):429-434
- Bhatt, B., Shikha,S., Mathpal, S., Sharma, G., Pandey, A.K. 2022. Metabolomics and its role in Plant Pathology. Phytoprotection.DOI:10.7202/1088484ar
- Bhatt, B. and Sharma, G. 2023. 2023. Rice husk Biochar: An effective management strategy against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Agriculture mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 53(7):11349-11361.
- Dar MS, Ahmad M, Yetoo N, Bhatt B, Bhat SN, Altaf H, Rafqee S, Nabi A, Mohiddin FA, Gaafar Z, Mansoor S, Shah MD and Mushtaq M.2023.Genetic footprint of population diversity and genetic structure of Venturia inaequalis infecting apple (Malus×domestica Borkh.) 3 Biotech. 13:273
- Poster presentation on “Antifungal properties of cow urine against Exserohilum turcicum causing Northern leaf blight disease of Maize” in International conference “Global Perspective in Agricultural and Applied Sciences for Food and Environmental Security (GAAFES-2019)” 2 December, 2019 at UGC-HRDC Hall, Kumaun University, Nainital, UK, India
- Poster presentation on “Evaluation of Fungicides for the Management of Northern leaf blight of Maize” in IPS 7th International Conference "Phytopathology in Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals" 16-20 January 2020 IARI Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India
- Participated in the International web conference on “Ensuring food safety, security and sustainability through crop protection” organized by Bihar Agriculture University, Sabour, Bhagalpur held on August 5-6, 2020.
- Poster presentation on “Botanicals as natural remedies against Plant Diseases” International E conference on “Multidisciplinary Approaches For Plant Disease Management in Achieving Sustainability in Agriculture” 6-9 October,2020. University Of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, College of Horticulture, Bagalkot
- Poster presentation on “In vitro evaluation of different crop residues on carpogenic germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing Tomato timber rot” in National e-Conference Plant Health and Food Security : Challenges and Opportunities. March 25-27 2021, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India
- Poster presentation on “Role of Fungicides in inhibiting carpogenic germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causing Sclerotinia Stem rot of Tomato” in International E conference on Post harvest disease management and value addition of horticulture crops. August 18-20, 2021, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India.
- Poster presentation on “Morphological variability among different isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum” in National Symposium on Recent trends in Phytopathology to address emerging challenges for achieving Food Security. February 21-22,2022, ICAR, Vivekanand Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan, Almora
- Poster presentation on “Screening of tomato cultivars against Sclerotinia stem rot” in National Symposium on ‘Confluencing Indigenous and Modern Strategies for Plant Health Management' organised by Himalyan Phytopathological Society and Department of Plant Pathology, Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, HP, India, May 26-27, 2023, pp. 54
- Bhatt,B., Sharma,S. and Aditya,S. 2020. Applications of Nanotechnology in Plant Disease Management. Agrobios Newsletter.19(5):74-76
- Bhatt,B., Aditya,S. and Sharma,S. 2020. Means of Microbial Communication: Quorum Sensing. Agrobios Newsletter. 19(6):103-104
- Bhatt,B., Sharma,S. and Aditya,S. 2020.Quorum Quenching: A Tool for Management of Bacterial Plant Pathogens. Agrobios Newsletter.19(7):93-95
- Bhatt,B., Aditya,S. and Sharma,S. 2020. Mycoviruses: Virus against Plant Pathogenic Fungi. Agrobios Newsletter.19(8):63-64
- Surbhi, K., Bhatt,B. and Aditya,S. 2021. Stepping Towards Durable Resistance Strategies in Agriculture: Gene Deployment. Agrobios Newsletter.20(1):49-50
- Surbhi, K., Aditya,S and Bhatt,B. 2021. Comparative Approaches to Biological Control of Plant Pathogens by Resident and Introduced Antagonists. Agrobios Newsletter.20(1):53-55
- Bhatt,B. and Mathpal,S. 2021.Elicitors: As Plant Defense Inducers.AgriCos e-Newsletter,2(7):3-5
- Bhatt,B. and Namriboi, B.K. 2021. Effector Triggered Immunity in Plants.AgriCos e-Newsletter,2(10):6-8
- Bhatt,B. and Namriboi,B.K.2021. Multifunctional Bacterial Proteins: Harpins. AgriCos e-Newsletter, 2(7):54-56
- Bhatt,B. and Namriboi,B.K.2021.Host Shifts by Plant Pathogens: An Issue of Concern AgriCos e-Newsletter, 2(10):27-28
- Bhatt,B. and Namriboi,B.K.2021. Metagenomics and its Role in Plant Pathology. AgriCos e-Newsletter, 2(8):41-43
- Bhatt,B. and Namriboi,B.K.2021.Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetase: A Virulence Factor in Fungal Plant Pathogens. AgriCos e-Newsletter, 2(11):1-2
- Bhatt,B. and Namriboi,B.K.2021.Pathogenecity and Virulence Factors of Phytopathogenic Bacteria. AgriCos e-Newsletter, 2(11):26-28
- Namriboi,B.K. and Bhatt,B. 2021. SWEET Genes: A Source of Disease Resistance in Plants. AgriCos e-Newsletter, 2(8):99-101
- Sharma, G, Bhatt, B and Rawat, S.2022. Post Harvest Technology and Value Addition of Mushrooms. Indian Farmer’s Digest. 36-39
- Bhatt, B. and Sharma, G. 2023. Integrated disease management of tomato. Indian Farmer’s Digest, 56(4):15-18
- 10 days online training on “Applications of Machine learning in Agriculture”from 10-19 June, 2021 under Institutional Development Plan-National Agricultural Higher Education Project (IDP-NAHEP), GBPUAT, Pantnagar
- 15 days online training cum workshop program on Agriculture 4.0 on “The future of Farming technology and Agriprenuership Development” jointly organised by SKUAST and AEEWFS and Just Agriculture –The Magazine during 10 November to 24 November 2022
- One Week Online Workshop on “Biostatistical Data Analysis and Research Methodology during” Dec 21-27, 2022, organised by Science Tech Institute(Run by MKS Educational Society), Lucknow, UP India.
- One Week Online Workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis using R” during April 21-27,2023, organised by Science Tech Institute, Lucknow, UP India.
- Best Oral Presentation Award on the topic “Evaluation of rice husk biochar to inhibit the carpogenic germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum” in International conference on Global Initiatives in Research, Innovation and Sustainable Development of Agriculture and allied Sciences (GIRISDA-2022) during 6-8 June 2022 jointly organised by AEEFWS, Punjab, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (ICAR accredited) and Just Agriculture-The magazine
- Student Excellence Award by Govind Ballabh Pant University Of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (2023)
- Best Ph.D. thesis award in – 6 th Plantica Academic and Research Award- 2023 by Association of Plant Science Researchers (APSR) (Plantica Group of Researchers- PGR, India)
- Indian Phytopathological Society
- Association of Plant Science Researchers