Ankita Verma
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Ankita Verma is an expert of Human Resources and Labour Laws. She received her PhD in Human resources from Shoolini University and her academic contributions include copyrights and several international scientific papers. Continuously working on models for women development, Verma has developed a CAB model for Maternity Benefits. She is also actively running the HIM SHOBLA club at Shoolini University.
1. Ankita Verma, Rakesh Kumar Shukla- A Review of Maternity Benefit Act that Changed the Life of Working Mother Publication date Sep 28, 2020 Publication description: ISBN 978-81-945576-1-6
2. Ankita Verma, Yashwant Singh Negi, Rakesh Kumar Shukla- An Analysis of Awareness and Implementation of Maternity Benefits Act – A Study in Western Himalayan State of Himachal Pradesh, India Publication date: Jun 21, 2020 Publication description: Annals of Biology
3. Ankita Verma - An Approach Towards Issues Of Working Mother: Special Reference To Maternity Benefit Act, 2017 In Himalayan State Of Himachal Pradesh Publication date Jun 9, 2020 Publication description: Journal of critical review Working women and motherhood –
4. Ankita Verma, Yashwant Singh Negi- a review Publication date Jun 1, 2020 Publication description: Annals of Agri Bio Research
1. Dr. Ankita Verma, Prof. Kuldeep Rojhe and Mr. Neeraj Pizar. CAB Model for Maternity Benefits