Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant Professor

GPAT AIR- 976, Works in the Office of Research at Shoolini University

Abhishek Kumar Sharma qualified GPAT-2015 with AIR 976. With over three years of teaching experience, his academic contributions include several international scientific papers, reviews, book chapters published by Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Future Science. 

He works in the Office of Research at Shoolini University, where he analyses and interprets a range of research-related data and metrics from a number of sources that support the university in evidence-based decision making, monitoring its performance, and delivery against its goals from an international perspective. 

His current research interests are, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Research Visibility, Bibliometrics and Scientometrics with special emphasis on applications in research management and science policy. He is also an active member of the Elsevier Advisory Panel.