Track-1: Human Computer Interaction
Brain to text encoding
Hand gesture recognition
Multi-user interaction
Ubiquitous computing
Human machine interaction
Smart user interfaces and visualization techniques
Social robotics
Track-2: AI and ML for Healthcare Applications
Artificial intelligence and its application
Assistive technologies for healthcare
Content based image retrieval
Deep learning in neuron system
Distributed/Cloud computing solution for healthcare
Evaluation tools for emotions
Generative AI
General Medicine
Intelligent nursing support system
IoT enabled intelligent devices
Medical imaging
Natural language processing
Neural network theory & architecture
Nutrition and dietetics
Patient centered design of healthcare services
Smart medication techniques
Smart devices for monitoring Mental Health
Security & Privacy of healthcare resources
User interfaces and interaction models
Wearable technologies and sensors
Track-3: Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality Simulation
3D interaction in VR environments
Design of inclusive systems
Design for the elderly
Emotional and affective design
Game design to improve mental health
Inclusion for real-world applications
User experience (UX) design
AR/VR based applications for persons with disabilities
Track-4: Cognitive Modeling
Agent-based interaction protocols and cognitive architectures
Agent-based assistants and e-health
Brain computer interface
Human perception and cognition
Knowledge based systems
Model training, inference, and serving
Nervous system
Reactive and Proactive systems
Surgery with intelligent systems