Shoolini Faculty Spotlight!

Best Of 2023

Lalit Sharma at AAIC 2023 in Amsterdam

Assoc. Prof Lalit Sharma Alzheimer’s research showcased at AAIC 2023 promises to slow neurodegenerative diseases, earning him a fellowship.

 Publication in 'Nature' Journal 

Prof Deepak Kumar and student Vivek Panwar's mTOR signalling research published in 'Nature' journal reveals insights into human health, with a focus on cancer.

Asst Prof Ekta Singh Goes Global

Asst Prof Ekta Singh leads INQUA session in Italy, sparking collaborations and discussions on Quaternary Period dating techniques.

Rohit Sharma: Biotech Trailblazer

Asst Prof Rohit Sharma's cellular senescence research in 'Nature Reviews Nephrology' receives Rs 107 Lakh funding, providing insights into ageing.

Environmental Mission to South Korea

Asst Prof Sunil Kumar Sharma earns SERB SIRE fellowship for innovative research on environmental concerns at Hanyang University, South Korea.

Standford’s 2% Scientists List

Thirteen Shoolini scientists from Shoolini University recognised for outstanding contributions!

Prof Pardeep Singh's Milestone

Prof Pardeep Singh hits 10K Scopus Citations! His high-impact research showcases excellence and influence in the field. 

Shoolini's more groundbreaking achievements on your way...